Volume XX, Issue 4 ISSN 0884-3805 Spring 2005
Published by Nona Williams, PO Box 746, Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0746
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Volume XX, Issue 4 ISSN 0884-3805 Spring 2005
Published by Nona Williams, PO Box 746, Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0746
web site Email
Simpsons of Montgomery and Bath Counties, Kentucky
May 2005 - by Janet Allen
The purpose for publishing the story of these Kentucky SIMPSONs is not only to introduce another line of the clan, my family, to share the information obtained thus far, but to invite anyone who may know of this family to add to or correct the data herein. Many newly-confirmed branches still need exploration. Our data derives from heirloom letters used as roadmaps for further study, census images, many documents recently obtained in a visit to the courthouse at Mt. Sterling in Montgomery County, a large variety of books at the Genealogical Library of Independence, Missouri and Kansas City Public Library, records of Lewis Co., Kentucky, documents of Sangamon and Christian Counties in Illinois and publications of that area, the American Hereford Journal, and cemetery visits in numerous locations.
We are unable to name and locate the Virginia SIMPSON patriarch but know that is where he lived. His known children were:
1. Mary SIMPSON b. about 1765; d. aft. 1810, presumably in Bath Co., Kentucky.
2. Andrew SIMPSON b. April 15, 1772 in Virginia; d. Jan. 08, 1842 in Sharpsburg, Bath Co., Kentucky.
3. Elizabeth SIMPSON b. about 1777; d. 1864, possibly in Nicholas Co., Kentucky.
The two sisters' identities were just recently confirmed and information about them is currently being developed. Andrew SIMPSON is my ggggrandfather and much more is known about him. It has been believed that these three were the only children. However, recently in Montgomery County was found recorded in bk. 7, pg. 183 of the Deeds and Mortgages volumes, a sale of land, on Feb. 3, 1815, from not only Andrew, Mary and Elizabeth and spouses, but also Joseph SIMPSON and wife of Montgomery County, and Jane WALKER and husband of Scott Co., Kentucky. One could entertain the idea that they were also siblings, or perhaps cousins. Joseph H. SIMPSON and wife Ann ESPEY (ESPY) interacted with Andrew in several instances which are on record and they lived in the same area near Mt. Sterling. Joseph and Andrew witnessed the probation of the will of Jane (SIMPSON?) PEEBLES, in September 1811. So far, no information about Jane WALKER has been found. Marriage records and Circuit Court records of Montgomery County were destroyed by fire in 1850 and by the Confederates in 1863. Only reconstructed records exist for the period before 1850. A most valuable resource is Montgomery Co., Ky. Records Book No. 1, Reconstructed Marriages 1797-1850, Index of Wills 1797-1821, Wills 1797-1821, available in genealogy libraries.
Mary SIMPSON was born before 1765, probably in Virginia, and was married to James HUGHS before 1810. They are found in the 1810 census of Montgomery County as close neighbors to her brother Andrew and sister Elizabeth. Mary and James are both 45 years of age or older. There is a James HUGHS on the 1791 and 1800 tax lists for neighboring Bourbon County James and Mary were living in 1815, as cited in the deed above, in Montgomery County, but are not found in the 1820 census. There is a James HUGHES household, he is age 26-44, there is a girl under 10, and one "other" person. Possibly this James was Mary's son. The family story, however, is that Mary left no heirs.
Elizabeth SIMPSON was born about 1777 in Virginia and married Simon GILLESPIE of Virginia, born in 1774. In the Montgomery County Records Book No. 1, their marriage is recorded as "before 1834." In Family Search, the year given is 1796. Simon had a company of Kentucky militia which saw service in the War of 1812. This is found in a publication War of 1812 Pensioners, vol. 1, pg. 18, in the application for a pension by the widow of Joseph ALEXANDER, Patsy (MOUNCE) ALEXANDER, whose husband died March 17, 1832, having served in Simon GILLESPIE's Militia. The ALEXANDERs had married August 10, 1812.
Elizabeth and Simon acquired land and three transactions are recorded in Montgomery County In bk. 7, pgs. 47-8, on October 10, 1814, Simon bought from his wife's brother Andrew 100 acres, on Hinkston (Hingston) Fork of the Licking River, for 70 pounds. On the same day, they sold their interests, for $500, to Andrew, of land they had bought together from Richard and Catherine GRAY, date-of-purchase and acreage unknown but described in detail as to boundaries. On February 3, 1815, Elizabeth and Simon sold to William SIMPSON of Fayette Co., Kentucky, for $302.50, 30 1/2 acres on Cane Run in Fayette County, recorded in bk. 7, pages 181-2. They were also included in the deed referred to earlier, bk. 7, pg. 183, in which the GILLESPIEs, Mary and James HUGHS, Andrew and Jane SIMPSON, Joseph and Ann SIMPSON, all of Montgomery County, and Samuel WALKER and wife Jane of Scott County, sold 100 acres on Cane Run in Fayette County. This land bordered that of Samuel SIMPSON. This information is newly-acquired and yet to be explored.
In the 1810 census of Montgomery County, the home of Simon and Elizabeth GALASBY is near those of her brother and sister, on the Hinkston Fork, which in the following year of 1811 would become the boundary between Montgomery and newly-formed Bath counties. The GALASBYs are both in the age 26-44 category. There is a boy under 10, two of 10-15 years, and a girl under 10. In 1820, the family is listed as Simon GILLESPIE, Jr. and living next to Andrew. There is a boy under 10, one 10-15, and Simon 26-44 years. Two females are listed, both in the 26-44 years category. There is another instance in which Simon is called "Junior GILLESPIE" by the recorder of the deed of October 1814, though in the document itself his name is "Simon." In the 1830 census, there are two households headed by a Simon GILLESPIE. Our subject is listed as being age 50-59, the only male in the household, and Elizabeth is given as age 40-49, with two girls of 10-14 years, and one age 15-19 inclusive. In Family Search it is stated that Simon died February 1, 1835 and is buried near Mt. Sterling. He does not appear in the 1840 census where Elizabeth, age 50-59, heads the household, living next door to her son George W. GILLESPIE, and in her home are one boy under 5, one 5-9, and one 10-14. There are one girl age 5-9, one 10-14, and one 20-29. In the 1850 census of Nicholas County, District No. 1, Elizabeth GILLESPIE, of Virginia, is 73 years old and is living with daughter Ann who married Henry BRAMBLETT. The GILLESPIE-L SITE gives her year of death as 1864, burial location unknown. At the same site, the GILLESPIE children are listed as follows:
a. Andrew Simpson GILLESPIE, b. 1797; d. 1830
b. Jane Harvey GILLESPIE, b. Feb. 27, 1800; d. 1827
c. George Washington GILLESPIE, b. Feb. 12, 1805
d. Rebecca Wilson GILLESPIE, b. Mar. 6, 1816
e. Nancy Jane GILLESPIE, b. date unknown
f. Anne E. GILLESPIE, b. 1817
g. Armilda GILLESPIE, b. 1818
h. Mary GILLESPIE, b. date unknown
The last child, Mary, is named in History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison and Nicholas Counties, Kentucky published 1882, page 524, which states that she is a daughter of Simon and Elizabeth (SIMPSON) GILLESPIE, natives of Virginia.
Andrew SIMPSON was born April 15, 1772 in Virginia, and Jane SIMPSON was born in Virginia in 1776/7. Two of her great grandsons say she was Jane SIMPSON. One states that she was Jane SIMPSON of an unrelated line in Virginia. His brother wrote that she was Jane MILLER, but later retracted. In notes taken at the bedside of this brother properly places the MILLER woman as his own grandmother, mother of his mother Caroline BADGER SIMPSON. With that, the disagreement with the other great grandson dissolves as they both state that Jane SIMPSON SIMPSON's daughter Frances married a first cousin Thomas Alexander SIMPSON, whose father was William Jamieson SIMPSON (brother to Jane SIMPSON SIMPSON). Thomas Alexander SIMPSON had also stated that he had married his first cousin. I am now confident that she was Jane SIMPSON before her marriage. No record has been found of the SIMPSON marriage but it took place likely in Virginia about 1797 (deduced from census reports of their children’s ages). She and Andrew appeared in Montgomery County about 1800, acquiring land on Hinkston Fork of the Licking River. Andrew became a prosperous planter and the plantation later was large enough that in 1841 he sold "500 acres to be laid off on the east end" to son James for one dollar. The census of 1820 indicates that he owned 16 slaves.
Andrew SIMPSON was active in local affairs in the county and in Mt. Sterling, and there exist records of 38 transactions of various kinds, dating from 1810 to 1841, registered in Montgomery County.
In deed bk. 9, pg. 24, November 27, 1818, he was given power-of-attorney by Wm. LUCKETT and Townshend D. PEYTON, of Loudoun Co., Virginia, to sell land owned by Mr. PEYTON in Montgomery County and in Ohio.
In bk. 14, pg. 443, Dec. 20, 1829, as attorney-in-fact for sixteen LUCKETTs of Loudoun Co., Virginia (one of whom was his daughter Harriett), he sold for $1 to Gabriel GILLESPIE of Bourbon Co., Kentucky 65 acres from the PEYTON estate. The LUCKETTs were represented by Harriett's husband, William F. LUCKETT.
In bk. 14, pg. 450, Jan. 4, 1830, Andrew, William YOCUM, Marcus THOMAS, William BANKS, Edward STOCTON, and Paul DURETT provided security bond of $4000 for Sheriff William YOCUM.
In bk. 16, pg. 544, Dec. 1, 1834, the County Court appointed Andrew SIMPSON, William CHILES, Samuel CHORN, and Benjamin J. TAUL commissioners to execute deeds of partition to sell land of John CLARKE deceased. Any three of the commissioners could perform the duty to the satisfaction of the court.
In bk. 19, pg. 191, November 20, 1840, Andrew was given power-of-attorney by George LOVE, of Fauquier Co., Virginia, executor of William HALE deceased, to sell or rent lands owned in Montgomery County by Mr. HALE.
In matters of real estate, Andrew has recorded in Montgomery County 11 deeds in which he was seller and 10 deeds in which he was buyer. It is not known when he became owner of the earlier lands, nor the quantity, for which he was taxed in 1799 and 1800 in Montgomery County.
In bk. 7, pages 46/7, October 20, 1814, Andrew and Jane SIMPSON sold 100 acres on Hinkston Fork to Roger CLEMENTS for $333.33 and 1/3, "lawfull money of the United States of America."
In bk. 7, pages 47/8, October 20, 1814, Andrew and Jane sold 100 acres bordering Roger CLEMENT's land to Simon GILLASPIE (husband of Andrew's sister Elizabeth) for 70 pounds.
In bk. 9, pg. 29, November 27, 1818, Andrew bought for $2300 from Townshend PEYTON 230 acres on the Hinkston Fork. Two years later he sold the same tract to William B. KIRK for $2415.
In bk. 13, pg. 403, Jan. 12, 1828, Andrew sold to Daniel HARRAH 200 acres on the Hinkston for $400.
In bk. 16, pg. 5, Aug. 11, 1831, Andrew sold to the justices of Montgomery County Court, for $40, a lot in Mt. Sterling at the intersection of High and Cross sts.
In bk. 17, pg. 254, May 11, 1831, he bought lot no. 75 on the west side of the public square "where the jail now stands" in Mt. Sterling, for $31. This lot had been part of the estate of Joseph SIMPSON deceased, administered by wife Ann (ESPY) SIMPSON and Reuben ROWLAND. A lien of $64.93 had been placed against the property and heirs in 1827, by the Court of Appeals, and Sheriff John WILLIAMS executed the levy against the property in Mar. 1827. It was sold to the highest bidder, Andrew.
Andrew SIMPSON's final sale of land was to his son James M. SIMPSON, six months before Andrew's death. On June 15, 1841, bk. 20, pg. 80, is registered the sale, for $1, of the aforementioned 500 acres of the plantation "on which I now reside," complete with "mansion house, stabels, and other buildings," nine slaves, "all horses, hogs, sheep and cattle, also my present growing crop of corn." Andrew died Jan. 08, 1842, in Sharpsburg, Bath County and is buried with a group of nine SIMPSONs in the yard of the old Springfield Presbyterian Church. The church dates from 1794 and still is in use. His gravestone is inscribed: In Memory of Andrew Simpson born April 15, 1772 and died Jan. 8th AD 1842, Age 69 yrs., 8 months and 23 das.
Little is known about Jane SIMPSON, called "Aunt Jennie" by some in the family. She bore nine children, six girls and three boys. At Andrew's death in early 1842, eight were still living and are named in a deed of settlement in bk. 23, pgs. 59-61, which was recorded on Aug. 16, 1848 in Montgomery County. They were: Eliza, Harriett, Emily, Thomas, Evaline, James, Mary and Jane. The last reference is to Frances Jane. Jane and Andrew had suffered the loss of son Joseph Alexander SIMPSON in 1819. She continued to live in the Sharpsburg area, some of the older children having married and moved away. During the long, involved settling of Andrew's estate, she lost her married daughter Mary (SIMPSON) STEPHENS, who died in 1845.
Settlement of the estate, described in the document named above as "divers tracts of land and also negroes pursonalty," took six-and-one-half years and was very complicated. When Mary died childless, her interest in her father's estate had not yet been settled and was thus inherited by other siblings and Jane, and they then sold their interest in Mary's estate to her husband Joseph STEPHENS for $200 each. This was done in the document recorded on Aug. 16, 1848. Mary had sold part of her inherited land to parties named BEAN & GAY, but her death caused interruption and irregularities in that transaction, and therefore in the inheritances to the siblings and Jane. This document makes a first step in clearing the situation. It also states that the land owned by daughter Evaline, and her husband Edward C. OWINGS, was excepted as this land was conveyed to her "not by descent." The affair must have caused a headache or two. In further deals, the heirs sold to Evaline and her husband, for $20 per acre, a parcel of land on Grassy Lick, recorded on May 7, 1844 in bk. 21, pg. 143. On the same day, the OWINGS couple sold to her brother Thomas SIMPSON and Joseph STEPHENS, for $3000, all their interests in the estate, recorded in bk. 21, pg. 54.
In September 1850, Jane is enumerated in the census for Sharpsburg, Bath County. She is age 72, and owns property valued at $1000. Living with her are daughter Frances Jane age 28, daughter Eliza J. CALDWELL age 50, and Eliza's daughters Lucinda T. CALDWELL age 22, Harriet J. CALDWELL age 20, Eliza J. CALDWELL age 18, and Mary CALDWELL age 16. Immediately thereafter, in 1851, Frances Jane married Thomas Alexander SIMPSON and Jane lived with them in Sharpsburg until her death in 1854. She is buried with Andrew in the churchyard at Springfield Presbyterian Church, south of Sharpsburg. On her stone is inscribed: In Memory of Jane Simpson died June 8, 1854 in her 77th year. Daughter Mary (SIMPSON) STEPHENS is alongside her parents, and their son Joseph is in the next row closeby.
Following are listed the children of Andrew and Jane. Birth years for a few are best guesses derived from conflicting census data, as birth records are not yet found for some.
a. Eliza J. SIMPSON, b. about 1799 in Kentucky
b. Harriett SIMPSON, b. about 1799/1800 in Ky.
c. Thomas SIMPSON, b. 1800 in Virginia
d. Mary SIMPSON, b. Apr. 20, 1807 in Kentucky.
e. Joseph Alexander SIMPSON, b. Aug. 21, 1809 in Kentucky.
f. Evaline (Evalina, Eveline) B. SIMPSON b. about 1811 in Kentucky
g. Emily SIMPSON, b. about 1815 in Kentucky
h. James M. SIMPSON, b. about 1818 in Kentucky
i. Frances Jane SIMPSON, b. 1822 in Kentucky.
The conflict here is among the first three children who must have been born very close together, judging from census ages given. It has always been said that Thomas, called "Tom 1800," was the only child born in Virginia and the family came to Kentucky immediately after his birth. The others were born in Kentucky. Yet, in the 1850 census for Sangamon Co., Illinois, his neighbor-sister Harriett is shown to be one year older and born in Kentucky. His given birth state is Virginia. Another problem arises with Eliza, who in the 1850 census of Montgomery Co., Kentucky, is age 50 in September, but in 1860 is 61 in July. I believe the census dates to be slightly off, and the girls could have been born after Thomas and before Mary and, therefore, in Kentucky.
Nancy E. SIMPSON born 28 December 1808 in South Carolina, 27 March 1882 in Meriweather Co., Georgia, buried Flat Rock Primitive Baptist Church, Meriweather Co., Georgia. She married Robert Newton WILLIAMS, location unknown. They are listed in 1850 census Meriweather Co., Georgia. Any clues in locating ancestors appreciated. Nancy’s maiden name was located in History of Clayton County, Georgia, p. 562 in a bio of George WOOSTER, who her daughter married.
Please respond to James C. Williams, 1187 S. Lake Shore Blvd., Lake Wales, FL 33853. E-mail:
Summary of Hugh Simpson (1761-1833)Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky and His Descendants
By Dennis L. Simpson
I have been researching on my ancestral line for the past 25 years. Two years ago, my fellow genealogists and collaborators have persuaded me to compile the descendants of Hugh SIMPSON, so I’ve decided to take up the challenge. I am currently working on the descendants of Hugh SIMPSON and his wife, Mary Anna LONG, up to fifth generation and hopefully to have it published by the end of year 2005 or early in the year of 2006. Before I submitted this article, I’ve collected nearly 1000 descendants but still need help to strengthen the connections and cover some gaps. All of the works will be with sources included in the future book.
Hugh Simpson (1761-1833)
Hugh was born 23 March 1761 in Virginia, maybe in Fairfax County. He was a member of the Montgomery Co., Virginia militia at the time of American Revolution. He has participated in the skirmishes against the Tories and British in Virginia, North Carolina, and maybe South Carolina. The skirmishes include Alamance and Weitzel’s Mill near the Moravian town (Salem) in North Carolina. Hugh would have gone into the Battle of Guilford Court but was summoned by Colonel PRESTON to accompany the wounded men back into Virginia.
After the war, Hugh went into South Carolina and received a commission as a first lieutenant to serve under his brother, Captain John SIMPSON, in the Upper Division of the Ninety-six Regiment. Hugh then married Mary Anna LONG there. Mary Anna LONG, possible daughter of Mathew LONG and Elizabeth MONTGOMERY, was born 26 September 1761 probably in Abbeville Co., South Carolina. Their first 8 of ten children were born in the Ninety-six District (later Pendleton now Anderson), South Carolina.
Hugh and his family first migrated into Kentucky where Isaac was born there but moved to Tennessee where Elias was born. Then Hugh decided to move his family back to Kentucky and settled in Warren Co., Kentucky.
Mary Anna died 24 March 1832 and Hugh died 19 April 1833 probably in Warren Co., Kentucky. Their burial locations are unknown at this time.
Out of the 10 children, 6 have gone and settled in northwest Arkansas while Isaac and Elias remain in Kentucky. All of the birth and some death records were from Isaac SIMPSON Family Bible which I received upon the death of my grandmother in 1992. This bible was a gift to Isaac from father Hugh. Through Isaac, Hugh is my great-great-great-great grandfather.
Children of Hugh Simpson and Mary Anna Long
1. Mathew L. Simpson: Mathew was born 22 November 1784 in Ninety-six District (later Pendleton now Anderson), South Carolina. According to Warren Co., Kentucky deed records, Mathew’s wife is named Nancy with no known last name. They may have a child, according to one census. They moved and settled in the Upper Township, Crawford Co., Arkansas. Mathew died 4 January 1831. There is no further information on his wife and child at this time.
2. James Simpson: James was born 18 April 1786 in Ninety-six District (later Pendleton now Anderson), SC. James married Margaret Catherine MARRS 17 November 1804 in Logan Co., Kentucky. Margaret is known as Peggy in several documents. It is been suggested that James may have served during the War of 1812 but I was unable to pinpoint which regiment James may have served under. Then the family moved and settled in present-day Washington Co., Arkansas. James died around 1838 and his wife, Margaret, died 26 December 1840 in Washington Co., Arkansas. I am unable to verify their death dates as well as location of their burial locations.
3. Hugh Simpson: Hugh was born 18 December 1787 in Ninety-six District (later Pendleton now Anderson), SC. Hugh married Elizabeth Jane MORROW 3 January 1818 in Warren Co., Kentucky. Then the family moved and settled in present-day Washington Co., Arkansas. Hugh died 2 January 1852 and his wife, Jane died 5 May 1881 and are buried at the Brewster Cemetery, Washington Co., Arkansas.
4. Elijah Simpson: Elijah was born 1 March 1789 in Ninety-six District (later Pendleton now Anderson), SC. Elijah married Elizabeth MARRS 1 March 1819 in Warren Co., Kentucky. Elizabeth is the sister of Margaret Catherine MARRS and is known as Betsy in several documents. Elijah died 16 April 1819 probably in Warren Co., Kentucky and his burial location is unknown at this time. It is been suggested that Betsy and her child may have moved and settled in Arkansas.
5. Mary W. Simpson: Mary was born 4 May 1790 in Ninety-six District (later Pendleton now Anderson), SC. Mary married Joseph HARDIN 28 August 1822 in Warren Co., Kentucky. Mary and Joseph moved and settled in Clark Co., Arkansas. In 1829, both were divorced and then Mary married John COCHE 29 August 1841 in Clark Co., Arkansas. There is no further information at this time.
6. John Simpson: John was born 4 August 1791 in Ninety-six District (later Pendleton now Anderson), South Carolina. It has been suggested that John may have served during the War of 1812 but I was unable to pinpoint which regiment John may have served under. John married Elizabeth BUTLER 23 January 1813 in Warren Co., Kentucky. Then the family moved and settled in present-day Franklin Co., Arkansas. John died 1 March 1863 and his wife, Elizabeth died 21 October 1871 and are buried at the Simpson Plantation in Franklin Co., Arkansas.
7. Absalom Simpson: Absalom was born 23 March 1793 in Ninety-six District (later Pendleton now Anderson), SC. Absalom then died 7 August 1825 in Texas.
8. Anna Elizabeth Simpson: Anna was born 17 September 1797 in Ninety-six District (later Pendleton now Anderson), South Carolina. Anna married William Chambers MAXEY 21 October 1819 in Warren Co., Kentucky. Then the family moved and settled in Franklin (present-day Crawford) Co., Arkansas. Anna died 12 May 1853 and her husband, William died 9 May 1878 and are buried at the Shinbaugh and Marvin Cemetery in Crawford Co., Arkansas.
9. Isaac Simpson: Isaac was born 13 October 1799 in Kentucky. Isaac married Rachel Berry TYGART 13 November 1824 in Warren Co., Kentucky. The family lived in Butler County for a while then moved back to Warren Co. Isaac died 28 January 1846 and is buried at a private property in Warren Co., Kentucky. Then Rachel and the family moved and settled in Clinton Co., Missouri where Rachel died 19 October 1875 and buried at the Old Plattsburg Cemetery.
10. Elias Simpson: Elias was born 13 June 1802 in Tennessee. Elias married Nancy Morehead BRIGGS 15 September 1831 in Warren Co., Kentucky. Elias died 30 March 1854 and is buried at a private property in Warren Co., Kentucky. There is no further information on his wife, Nancy.
These are brief summaries; I have more information and will be happy to share with anyone who wanted to know about this family in return for any more additional significant information. I require proper documents/citations in order to include any information in the future book.
Anyone who contributed more information shall receive an acknowledgement in the book. Do feel free to contact me.
SIMPSON COMPARISON STUDIESFurther Notes and Perspectives, Footnotes 1 & 2
By Bryce Knight, 7419 Harris, Raytown, MO 64133
Absalom KNIGHT Jr. (son of Absalom, Sr. b 1761 Orange Co., North Carolina and brother of Thomas KNIGHT born ca 1740 who married SIMPSON) married first (1816 Wilson County) Elizabeth MARTIN, by whom probably at least five children, two of whom are considered to have lived with / near step-siblings Lafayette Co., Mississippi. WPA transcripts sometimes give him as Abraham.
Absalom KNIGHT, Jr. then married Penelope / Pernella DODD, according to descendant correspondence, daughter of William DODD (son of Joseph DODD), b 1755 Virginia and d November 1825, and Henryetta WEAVER, probably. In 1820 Stewart Co., Tennessee a William DODD lived near William H. COOLEY, Richard COOLEY and a Nathan CARTER. These COOLEYs were allied with the family of Wade Hampton KNIGHT (son of Absalom, Sr.) and appear to have also been allied with John KIZER earlier Stokes Co., North Carolina.
My suggestion is that Elizabeth MARTIN may have been related to Ally (Sally / Sarah?) MARTIN who married a Thomas KNIGHT 1812 Wilson Co., Tennessee. Quite possibly Thomas Polk KNIGHT, proposed as a son of the Absalom KNIGHT who was a son of Thomas KNIGHT born 1740 and SIMPSON, i.e., a first cousin (once removed) of Absalom KNIGHT, Jr. Thomas Polk KNIGHT was born after 1794 (census? – according to descendant correspondence) and this may fit better in terms of generations, if the MARTINs were siblings or cousins.
Thomas Polk KNIGHT’s (second?) wife was a granddaughter of General Griffith RUTHERFORD, familiar in deed with Reuben and Sarah SIMPSON.
Thomas Polk KNIGHT followed Absolom KNIGHT, Jr. and Sr. beyond Benton and Carroll Counties to Dyer Co., Tennessee (or actually vice versa) where his son William P. KNIGHT married Elvira Sarah Jane DODD (possibly related to Benjamin DODD a census neighbor to Absalom KNIGHT Jr.)
In Laurens Co., South Carolina lived the family of James KNIGHT (uncle of Absalom KNIGHT, Sr. whom he is said to have visited during the early Revolution) and David KNIGHT, Jr. (brother of Absalom, Sr.) who lived Rabon Creek with a John SIMPSON. A Benjamin SIMPSON 45+ can be found on the 1800 Laurens census.
A family appears later in Caldwell and Livingston Counties, Kentucky where Hannah, wife of William DODDS, and Benjamin SIMPSON are mentioned as children of William SIMPSON (The Simpson Clan, Winter 1994, p. 1, article by Mary Lou Delahunt). William DODDS is mentioned as a half-brother of Joseph DODDS.
This may be the same DODD family. According to The Genealogy and History of the Families of Francis DODDS and Mary Craig Dodds of Spartanburg, South Carolina and of the Dodds Families of Baltimore, Maryland compiled by Lydia Colby, Geneseo, Illinois: Francis DODDS born 1740-50 married (probably second) Mary Craig KIRKPATRICK, by whom William who married Hannah SIMPSON after they went to Kentucky from Spartanburg Co., South Carolina in 1798, and John who married Jane PERKINS, etc. Spartanburg County is adjacent to Laurens County as Newberry County, both apparently the locale of my ANDERSONs who later arrived Wilson Co., Tennessee then joined ATWOODs (same as associated with John SIMPSON and David KNIGHT, Jr. earlier?) Madison Co., Tennessee.
Thompson B. GORIN was with Brinson’s 1827 Stewart Co., Tennessee Militia Company as was Thomas P. KNIGHT (apparently a son of Absolom KNIGHT Sr.) and his father-in-law John KIZER. Also mentioned in 1854 Humphreys Co., Tennessee in a deed with David M. SIMPSON, a D.M. SIMPSON witnessed the 1859 Humphreys County deed of William J. KNIGHT, another Absalom KNIGHT Sr. son, … William SIMPSON and Margaret (Peggy) MATTOX:
Stewart County, Tennessee Wills and Settlements, Volume C, 1830: 229, Sale of the estate of Gladden GORIN, Sr. (Thompson GORIN probably son / heir): Buyers include in order Henry H. GORIN, Francis JACKSON, Thompson B. GORIN, George RUSHING, Adam MILAM, Elizabeth JACKSON, Drury B. BRINSON, Joel DUBOYCE, Thomas SIMPSON, Joshua P. KNIGHT (sic), John MILAM, Jesse PARCHMENT.
RUSHING, PARCHMENT and BRINSON are allied with KNIGHT and KIZER and lived in the Wells Creek area of Stewart County just south of present Cumberland City on the Cumberland River. JACKSON is somewhat allied with ANDERSON (as Thompson mentioned earlier) and may indicate previous Guilford / Rockingham relationships.
Joshua P. KNIGHT would actually be Joshua Y. KNIGHT and because he is listed beside Thomas SIMPSON may be of importance. According to Jill Knight Garrett in Knight Cousins, p. 50: Land grant 10338 in state archives, Book 12, page 675 in 1831 he was granted land on White Oak Creek, part of the original tract where Thomas KNIGHT, deceased, originally lived. Thomas and Nancy KNIGHT were the parents.
This Thomas KNIGHT was most probably a first cousin (once removed) of Absalom KNIGHT, Sr.;
Another researcher has no record on John Knight and Sarah Wade having a son named Thomas. Check her web site here. Unfortunately Bryce Knight doesn't cite sources so it's difficult to verify his claims.
In 1837 William J. KNIGHT (brother of Joshua Y.) bought two tracts of land from Thomas SIMPSON on White Oak Creek. In 1840 he was in Dickson County (Ibid, pp. 48-49) and sold to Wesley YOUNG of Humphreys County land on White Oak Creek which formerly belonged to Thomas KNIGHT, deceased.
Wesley YOUNG was the father-in-law of John William KNIGHT, son of Thomas P. KNIGHT, grandson of Absalom Sr. He may have been related to Archibald YOUNG, second husband of Polly (LINDER) KNIGHT of Wilson Co., Tennessee and indications are he was related to a Benjamin YOUNG of earlier Stokes Co., North Carolina (near John KIZER), having migrated through Baltimore Co., Maryland.
In 1840 this William J. KNIGHT was a school teacher “where three counties (today) meet, Houston, Dickson and Humphreys” somewhat north of White Oak Creek head. Lines shifted.
Thomas SIMPSON, Thomas KNIGHT (by then deceased) and son Johsua Y. KNIGHT lived approximately on Wells Branch (and / or Long Hollow, Humphreys County) of White Oak Creek, which heads the same ridge as Wells Creek of Cumberland River.
William J. KNIGHT, son of Absalom Sr. lived on Hurricane Creek (and Blue Creek, etc.), which heads south of White Oak Creek head. Nathaniel SIMPSON seems to have lived on Little or South Hurricane Creek probably somewhat near the Humphreys / Dickson County line.
Gladeen GORIN had probably settled near John KIZER between Wells Creek and Grice’s Creek (Stewart County), but by 1830 also owned land on Richland Creek (Humphreys County where Wade Hampton KNIGHT also owned, etc.), between White Oak and Hurricane and Blue which may or may not have been some of the attraction for Thomas SIMPSON and Joshua Y. KNIGHT.
And thus are SIMPSON connections to GORIN, a name that can be found on census, I believe, in earlier Guilford / Rockingham Counties, North Carolina.
What is your documentation that John Knight and Sarah Wade had a son named Thomas?
Here is my list of their children:
Susan Knight Gore
I am searching for parents of Samuel D. Simpson born 1878-1880. He was known to live in ID. & WA.. His occupation was logger & he worked for Railroad. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
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