Monday, March 17, 2008

The Simpson Clan Volume XIX, Issue 3, Winter 2004

THE SIMPSON CLANVolume XIX, Issue 3 ISSN 0884-3805 Winter 2004

Published by Nona Williams, email & website

Archival Research on the Simpsons of Spesutia Parish, old Baltimore Co. MDBy Don Simpson

In volume 1, issue 5, of this Newsletter, Linda Bollinger reported an idea proposed by Byron Gibson in which he suggested that the Martha SIMPSON of St. George’s Parish, Old Baltimore (now Harford) Co., Maryland, who married William HAMBY in 1722, may actually have been the child of Richard & Ann SIMPSON whose birth was recorded in the parish register as 27 Aug., 1702, but in the transcription of the register was listed as “Mathew SIMPSON.” Given that there is no other record of a Mathew SIMPSON known in that parish it seems a plausible idea.
The records of St. George’s Parish available to most of us are those held by the Family History Library in Salt Lake City (the “Mormon Library”) which consists of two published transcriptions and one roll of microfilm of the hand copied transcript made in the 1880's from the original register. The original register and the hand written transcription are both deposited in the Maryland State Archives in Annapolis, Maryland. The Archive does have microfilm of both the original and the transcribed copy and researchers are encouraged to use those microfilms rather than request to see the originals which due to age and deterioration are very fragile.

I had never been in Annapolis until October of 2003 when on a research trip there. While in that area researching the ancestry of a client, I had opportunity to spend three days at the State Archive. Although most of that time was spent on work for the client, I did take a little time to work on some of my own interests.

Examination of the microfilm of the original register of St. George’s shows the same problem so often found in microfilm of old records. Parts of the microfilm are very difficult to read and have areas that are completely illegible. I made photocopies of the pertinent pages and did the same from the film of the transcribed register. With those and an explanation of the problem, plus discussion of the possibility of errors in the transcription, the Archivists permitted me to examine the registers themselves, both the original and the transcribed register.

The transcribed register is just as seen on the microfilm and the writing is clear with the entry for Mathew unmistakable. The original register is darkened by age and weathering but the writing is clearly legible even in the parts that are not legible on the microfilm. There also the entry for Matthew SIMPSON is unmistakable, and there was no entry for the birth of a Martha SIMPSON on the pages I examined.

This leaves us with the unanswered question of Martha’s identity and whether she was part of the family of Richard & Ann SIMPSON. It is possible that Martha was a daughter of Richard & Ann, but for reason unknown her birth was not recorded. There is a gap in the births of their children which is suggestive between the birth of Matthew on 27 Aug., 1702, and that of Ann on 25 Jan., 1706. Given Martha’s marriage in Dec., 1722, a birth date of about 1704 seems reasonable. This does not prove that she was a child in that family but only suggests a possibility.

I would now list the children of Richard & Ann SIMPSON as follows:
1. Thomas SIMPSON, b. 5 Nov., 1690.
2. Susanna SIMPSON, b. 2 April, 1692.
3. William SIMPSON, b. 14 Feb., 1694 new style.
4. Elizabeth SIMPSON, b. 5 April, 1697; buried 30 Sept., 1698.
5. Jonathan SIMPSON, b. 12 Nov., 1699.
6. Mathew SIMPSON, b. 27 Aug., 1702.
7. [perhaps Martha SIMPSON, b. ca. 1704.]
8. Ann SIMPSON, b. 25 Jan., 1705 new style.
9. Elizabeth SIMPSON, b. 27 Aug., 1707.

Of course the entries for William and Ann were in the old style, as 14 Feb., 1693, and 25 Jan., 1704, and I have changed those to new style dates here.

Note: Don Simpson cannot remember what he has written that has been published in the newsletter. It would be helpful if a volunteer would go through the newsletter & list all his articles by title and where published (volume & issue). He has a lot of short notes and manuscripts in his computer files but has lost tract of which have been sent for publication. Click here to email him

Descendants of William Simpson [and Elizabeth Hocking] in Cherokee Co. GA[1]
Thomas SimpsonBy Kathleen Akin, 380 Braxton Place, Tucker, GA 30084, email
Continued from Volume XIX No. 2 Fall 2003

Thomas SIMPSON is a brother to John, the father of my Balis Wilson SIMPSON. I have a Thomas SIMPSON whom I haven't been able to do anything with of this same age. He was born in North Carolina about 1776 (his age is 74 in the census) per the Cherokee Co., Georgia 1850 census, #1267. His occupation is listed as "cooper". His wife's name is Mary. She was also born in North Carolina, about 1786 (her age is 64 in the census). There is a Mary Elizabeth SIMPSON, age 14, living with them in 1850. I have always just assumed she was a granddaughter because the mother would have had to be 50 when she was born.

I have not found any record of a Thomas in DeKalb Co, Georgia. in the 1820's or 1830's.
In the 1860 Cherokee Co., Georgia census there is a Mary SIMPSON, age 74, born Georgia living alone, #1071/1136, p. 810.

And, of course, to complicate matters, there is a completely different set of SIMPSONs living in DeKalb Co. in the 1820's and early 1830's who moved to Cobb Co., Georgia. They are Leonard SIMPSON/Hanna MOFFETT. They came with several of their children about the same time as John. He is the son of John SIMPSON, a famous Presbyterian minister in South Carolina and his wife Mary RHEMER.

In the 1840 Cherokee Co., Georgia census, p. 191 Thomas SIMPSON’s family is listed as follows: 00012001000-000110010000

So he is 60-70 years old as is his wife. He has 2 sons 20-30 years old, 1 son 15-20 years old, 1 daughter 20-30 years old and 1 daughter 15-20 years old.

2 sons b. 1810-1820
1 son b. 1820-1825
1 dau b. 1810-1820
1 dau b. 1820-1825

There is a John SIMPSON, age 25 living next door to him in the 1850 Cherokee Co., Georgia census (#1268) who could easily be his youngest son. This John was born in South Carolina and his occupation is "sawyer". His wife, Elizabeth, is 25 and was born in North Carolina. Their children are Mary Ann, age 7, Sara J., age 5 and Satira E., age 5 mo. All 3 are girls. Because of the age differences in the children, this could be a second marriage for either him or his wife and the older 2 children could be either his or hers. Their last name is listed as "SIMPSON."

Birth year of 1776 for Thomas estimated per 1850 Cherokee Co., Georgia census (# 1267). He is 74 years old, born North Carolina and his occupation is given as "cooper". His wife Mary is 64, born in South Carolina.

Balis, his nephew was a blacksmith as was one of the others.

Living with them in the 1850 census is Mary E.SIMPSON, age 14. A Mary Elizabeth SIMPSON married Martin J. SMITH in Cherokee Co., Georgia 13 Oct 1853 per Cherokee Co., Georgia Marriage Book B p. 202.

Thomas is not listed in the 1860 census for Cherokee Co., Georgia but his wife is there as a widow. She is 74, living alone in the Wild Cat District, p. 810, #1071/1136. It says she was born in Georgia.

To be continued

More Descendants of William Simpson [and Elizabeth Hocking]
Hermon, son of Thomas Simpson
By Diane Clawson E-mail:

Thomas SIMPSON’s son Hermon was born 1808 per headstone in Montrose Cemetery, Montrose, Lee Co., Iowa. He died 4 Jan 1861. His wife Margaret TRAINER is the daughter of John TRAINER (the Baptist Minister) who married Nancy SIMPSON, daughter of William SIMPSON & Elizabeth HOCKING. Margaret was born 1811 (per headstone) in Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky, married 9 Jan 1833 Gibson County, Tennessee. She died 19 May 1888 in Montrose.

The following are notes taken from a biographical sketch of their son Thomas J. SIMPSON. Harmon SIMPSON and Margaret had nine children. They were among the earliest settlers of Montrose Township in Iowa, having arrived May 1843 from Gibson County, Tennessee, as passengers on a steamboat which traveled up the Mississippi River. Two thousand Indians were then camped on the ground now owned by Zachariah OWENS. Mr. SIMPSON was friendly with them, and traded and mingled with them to his own profit and their convenience. He did butchering for the settlers, and ran a farm. His wife Margaret never remarried after Harmon's death January 4th, 1861. Harmon and his wife Margaret were members of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, and both saw the prophet, and his brother, Joseph, and Hiram SMITH, after their assassination at Carthage. They lived in Nauvoo about two months. They were converted by an elder preaching in Tennessee, in company with several families. Their son Thomas told of his recollections of the mob of 300 who came to drive the Mormons out of Nauvoo in 1846, and burning of the Mormon Temple at Nauvoo in November of 1848, which was attended by some 20,000 people. He said that when the Temple was burned the light was so bright at Montrose that one could see to pick a pin from the ground.

Mary Ann SIMPSON born April 1833 (from her 1880 census) Gibson County, Tennessee. She died 1914 in Montrose and is buried in the Simpson Plot. She married Nelson COOPER 9 Aug 1857 in Fort Madison, Lee, Iowa.

John David SIMPSON born 1836 Gibson Co. Tennessee and died 1905 Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa

Thomas J. SIMPSON born 8 Oct 1841, Gibson Co., Tennessee, died 7 May 1918 Montrose, buried in Simpson Plot.

Margaret SIMPSON born abt 1842, Gibson Co., Tennessee, died (date unknown) Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa.

In Pendleton District and Anderson County, South Carolina in Wills, Inventories and Tax Returns and Census Records compiled by V. Alexander, C.M. Elliot and Betty White, p. 112:1843: “16 May 1843...Will of Harmon CUMMINS, pp 314-17, son Thomas CUMMINS, dau Sarah TRAINER, daughter Mary SIMPSON, dau Hannah DAVIDSON and her husband John L. DAVIDSON, son Griffith CUMMINS, son Samuel CUMMINS, Harmond CUMMINS, son John CUMMINS, dau Malinda JUNKIN. Samuel CUMMINS the son of Griffith CUMMINS. Exrs: Aaron HALL and Andrew O. NORRIS; Wits: John MOORE, James STEVENSON, George STEVENSON.

The Descendants of William Simpson of Amherst Co., Virginia
by Bonnie Simpson Valko

William SIMPSON was the son of Allen SIMPSON of Londonderry Twp., Chester Co., Pennsylvania. Allen's will was made 22 Jan 1754 and probated 2 Sept 1756, book D, page 56. He named his sons: David, William, John, James, Robert (my 3rd great grandfather) and daughter Cataran (Catherine) SIMPSON, respectively.

Page 140 of Albemarle Co. Virginia, July 1746; Josiah CLAPHAM to William SYMSON; to Alexander PATTON. Note: William must have sold this land later on to PATTON.

Page 47 10 May 1749 Alexander PATTON to John THOMPSON for 9 pounds, 10 shillings, 172 acres both sides Taylor Creek, adjacent Archibald WOODS, mountain spur, a branch . Witnesses: William SIMSON, William MALER, John MORRISON

Page 214, 7 April 1767. Samuel SHANNON, Amherst Co., Virginia to John MORRISON, Amherst Co, Virginia for 27 pounds, 13 shillings, 175 acres branch of Rockfish near Blue Mountains. Lines, Thomas SHANNON, William CROW, William SIMPSON. Witnesses: James DINWIDDIE, Joel CRAWFORD, Robert DINWIDDIE. (Note: DINWIDDIE is spelled "DUNWOODY" in this instance.) This same acreage seems to have sold several times over the ensuing years.

Page 68, 6 Feb 1775. Thomas SHANNON, Fincastle, to Simon RAMSEY, Amherst Co. for 60 pounds, 75 acres branch of Rockfish, near the Blue Mts. Lines of: William IRVINE, Witnesses: William SIMPSON, John MURRELL, David SIMPSON, Allen SIMPSON. Original delivered to RAMSEY 27 Sept. 1790. Final proof, 2 Nov 1778, by John MURRELL. 3 April 1775 by William and Allen SIMSON.

The above proves that William SIMPSON of Amherst is indeed the son of Allen SIMPSON of Chester Co., Pennsylvania. David SIMPSON is William's son and Allen SIMPSON is a grandson, probably the son of David SIMPSON.

Page 139, 1 May 1779. Alexander HENDERSON Sr. of Amherst Co. & Parish, to Alexander Jr. for 100 pounds, 150 acres both sides of Rockfish. Lines: James HENDERSON, mountain spur, Francis MERIWETHER, William SIMPSON, Alexander PATTON; all houses etc. Witnesses: James and Andrew HENDERSON, James DINWIDDIE. Original delivered to Alexander HENDERSON Jr. (Here we see some of William SIMPSON's neighbors.)

William would die intestate, however, we located an administrator's bond: Book 3, Page 22f, Administrators Bond, Agnes SIMPSON, David SIMPSON, Moses HUGHES, Alexander HENDERSON, 1 Jan 1787 for Agnes SIMPSON. Book 3, page 32, Inventory, 2 April 1787, 822 pounds, 7 shillings, 81/2 pence John MURRELL Jr. Thomas MORRISON Jr. Alexander HENDERSON.

Page 454. 26 Sept 1789. Agnes SIMPSON, David SIMPSON and wife Margaret, Amherst Co. Virginia. to Hudson MARTIN, Albemarle, for 1100 pounds , 550 acres Rockfish where David and Agnes now live, Lines: Col. John COLES on NE, Sherrod MARTIN on N. Thomas WILLIAMSON on W. Thomas PATTON on S. Two surveys: 1) 400 acres bought by William SIMPSON of Josiah CLAPHAM. 2)150 acres by deed from John McCLURE to David SIMPSON. Witnesses: Nathaniel CLARK, James SIMPSON, Nicholas M. LEWIS, William MILLER, Joseph SIMPSON.

Page 455. Order to Nathan CRAWFORD, William HARRIS and John DAWSON to quiz Margaret, wife of David SIMPSON, 7 Oct. 1789, done, 28 Oct 1789. Original delivered to grantee, 22 Aug 1805, per order.

I found Agnes SIMPSON, widow of William SIMPSON in the Virginia Tithables for 1787 in Lincoln Co, Virginia (Kentucky territory) later Agnes would settle with her family in Shelby Co. Kentucky.

According to the DAR Patriot application papers of Jane Craig Reichlien, #462381+435, a descendant of William SIMPSON, he was too old to serve in the Revolutionary War, but furnished supplies and helped where and when he could. The following was found: Public Service Claims, Amherst Co. Virginia Court Booklet 62-1922, page 24;

To William SIMPSON for 42 sheaves oats.....Oct. 9, 1780
To William SIMPSON for four diets P Cert. June 17, 1781
To William SIMPSON for Guard to British prisoners.
To William SIMPSON for 6 sheaves of oats....June 17, 1781 for Hampshire Militia to Carolina.
To William SIMPSON for 2 bushels oats... Oct. 24, 1780, Shenandoah Militia to Carolina.
To William SIMPSON for 3 bushels of corn... August 17, 1781 for British Prisoners
To William SIMPSON for 400 lbs. hay p. cert. June 19, 1781 for the team of 10 wagons in Public Service.
To William SIMPSON for 1 peck of corn and hay for 2 horses P. Cert. March 10, 1781 for White's Regiment.

(Note: This was quite astounding to me, and it definitely shows what a wealthy man William SIMPSON was, to be able to have all of these supplies available.)

Under Amherst County, Virginia in the Revolution by Lenora H. Sweeney, page 71, among a long list of names appears the name of William SIMPSON. His son, David was a Revolutionary soldier as he was granted 200 acres in Garrard Co., Kentucky on Paint Lick Creek in 1783. This is from Virginia Grants in Garrard Co., Kentucky, page 202.

Jane Craig Reichlien gives the names of William and Agnes MAY SIMPSON children as being:

Else SIMPSON, born abt. 1754; md. Matthew MONTGOMERY, 7 March 1769

David SIMPSON, born abt. 1756; md. Margaret DINWIDDIE

James SIMPSON, born abt. 1758, md. Mary LANCASTER, 2 April 1787

Agnes SIMPSON, born abt. 1760, md William DINWIDDIE (Note: this is not correct, it was the daughter of James SIMPSON, brother of William SIMPSON, who married William DINWIDDIE. Her father, James SIMPSON signed her marriage bond.)

Robert SIMPSON, born abt. 1762; md. Hannah POWELL, 6 April 1791 in Kentucky

Joseph SIMPSON, born abt. 1764; md. Elizabeth COX, daughter of Benjamin COX in Shelby Co., Kentucky, 8 August 1798

Samuel SIMPSON, born abt. 1771. (Note: Samuel was not listed on the DAR Patriot papers, however, I found him in the list of Virginia Tithables of 1787. He was listed with his mother, Agnes and was 16 years old. They were now living in Shelby Co., Kentucky. ) I have no further information on Samuel at this time.

Agnes SIMPSON's will is dated 21 January 1823 in Shelby Co., Kentucky; I do not have a copy of this at the present time.

Joseph SIMPSON, who was married to Elizabeth COX, had an argument with his cousin, Aquilla WHITAKER in which there was a duel fought. Joseph was killed by his cousin. WHITAKER was captured and jailed, but soon after, allowed to escape. Dueling laws forbade dueling, but Virginians and now Kentuckians chose to ignore the law for many years, until authorities made it known that dueling would not be tolerated.

This is respectfully submitted by Bonnie Simpson Valko. For the most part, I have listed the source of my statements in the text, however, the deeds and administration for William SIMPSON were found in Bailey Fulton Davis's Books, The Deeds of Amherst and Albemarle Counties 1748 to 1763,: also The Wills of Albemarle Co. Virginia 1761 to 1855 by Bailey Fulton Davis. This man is wonderful at transcribing old documents.

Simpson Creek and Thomas Simpson
Nelson Co., Kentucky

By Robert P. Moore, 176 Valley Rd., Lexington, Ky 40503, email:
Published in Nelson County Genealogist, Volume 19, #4, Summer 2003 pp. 85-94
Reprinted with permission

It has been a matter of curiosity to me, and doubtless to others, to learn something about the man for whom Simpson Creek is named. Mention of this water course has been the main means of identifying early residents of the Bloomfield area. Who was this Thomas SIMPSON? Where did he come from? Why and when was his name assigned to this creek and its branches? Obviously some of these answers are to be sought right in Nelson County. The records of deeds, wills and marriages are useful, but sometimes law suits and depositions can provide more details and more interesting information.

Thomas SIMPSON left a will in Nelson Co. in 1825, naming, in effect, 10 children, although he does not mention by name his daughter Thamer, but only her husband Silvanus MAY and a grandson Allen MAY. (Thamer/Tamer SIMPSON married Silvanus MAY on 28 August 1807 in Nelson Co. ) This unusual name of Thomas's daughter helps to confirm his relationship to earlier generations of his family.

Previous generations of this Simpson family are treated in a recently published article by Robert C. Neibling on pp. 837-925, vol. 7 (2002) of Northern Virginia Genealogy. This extensive article, entitled "Profiles of the Three Gilbert SIMPSONs," examines the records on these three men with the same name in order to distinguish one from the other and establish as far as possible their relationship to each other, as well as their descent. (Northern Virginia Genealogy is published annually at 39475 Tollhouse Road. Lovettsville, VA 20180-1817; email . I would strongly recommend it to those researching families of northeastern Nelson Co.)

The Gilbert SIMPSON who is applicable to the Nelson Co. family is labeled by Neibling "Gilbert Loudoun Co. (Va.)" His relatives are "Gilbert SIMPSON of Pohick (Fairfax Co., Virginia. )" and "Gilbert SIMPSON Sr.," also of Fairfax Co. The family was earlier recorded in Charles County, Maryland., where Gilbert SIMPSON Sr., the eldest of the three Gilberts, married Elizabeth WILLIAMS on 6 April 1730. It is the opinion of Neibling that Gilbert of Loudoun Co., father of Thomas of Nelson ; Co., Kentucky., is a nephew of Gilbert SIMPSON Sr., and that Gilbert of Loudoun is the son, therefore, of an unknown brother of Gilbert Sr. The parents of Gilbert Sr. and of the father of Gilbert of Loudoun are said to be John SIMPSON of Charles Co., Maryland and wife Elizabeth.

Interestingly, all three Gilberts had dealings with George WASHINGTON, although the business affairs with WASHINGTON of "our" Gilbert of Loudoun Co. were the most extensive. They had a sometimes rocky partnership in some land on the Youghiogheny River in Pennsylvania. This partnership lasted for a good many years until it was dissolved in September 1784. SIMPSON was still in Pennsylvania on a tax list in Franklin Township, Fayette Co., but by 1786 he was in Kentucky.

Neibling's article gives indirect evidence of Gilbert SIMPSON's consent in Bourbon Co., Kentucky for his daughter Ann to marry Zachariah MASTERSON on 25 August 1786. From 1787 through 1793, Gilbert SIMPSON was on Fayette Co., Kentucky tax lists. He wrote his will on 27 January 1794 (proved in May), naming first his sons Thomas, Samuel, John and Gilbert and then his daughters Jemima BYRN, Susanna SHORE, Ann MASTERSON, Tamer SIMPSON and Hannah SIMPSON. Neibling cites the research of Dwight and Rosemary Barr in stating that Gilbert SIMPSON married ca. 1754 Tamer JOHNSTON, daughter of Samuel and Hannah (MARTIN) JOHNSTON and that Gilbert and Tamer's son , Thomas was born on 27 June 1757 in Fairfax Co., Virginia. They are also the source of the statement that Thomas married Abigail MOORE on 3 February 1790 in Nelson Co., Kentucky. No such record, however, has been found for this marriage in Nelson Co. John SIMPSON, son of Gilbert Sr. of Fairfax Co., Virginia, married into the Samuel MOORE family of Fauquier Co., Virginia and Mercer Co., Kentucky. However, there has not yet been found any information to connect Abigail with this Samuel MOORE family.

It is unlikely that any of Thomas SIMPSON's children remained in Nelson Co. There is a John SIMPSON in the 1810 census, but he appears to be too old to be the son of Thomas. There are two Thomases in the 1810 census, who could be "our" Thomas and a son, but further investigation would be required to prove that the second Thomas is the son of "our" Thomas. One needs to look in adjoining Spencer Co. for any descendants of Thomas. (Perhaps the land they occupied was in the part of Nelson that became Spencer.)

Here is an abstract of Thomas SIMPSON's will in Nelson Co., Kentucky. Will Book F, p. 124, wr. 22 July 1825, codicil 25 July 1825, pr. 11 Sept. 1826. Wife Abigal, plantation, livestock, household goods for life; daus. Betsey, Hannah, proceeds of sale of plantation after their mother's death and one half of household goods; son Samuel, $1; grandson Allen MAY, $1, Silvanus MAY, $1; granddau. Fanny SIMPSON, cow after grandmother's death; son Gilbert SIMPSON, cow after mother's death; other chn., Tom, Mary SHORE, Eleanor SILKWOOD, Nancy RHODES, John SIMPSON to share equally in sale of balance of personal property. John EASTBURN Sr ., exr Witn. James HEADY, John EASTBURN Sr., John BEMISS.

Nelson Co. Marriage Records
[It cannot be determined which of the men are Thomas's relatives, although other documents would indicate that Samuel was.] John SIMPSON, 24 Feb. 1791, Margaret [Mary?] McELROY, dau. of Hugh and Easter McELROY. [Hugh McELROY's 1794 will calls his SIMPSON daughter Mary.]

John SIMPSON, 2 March 1790, Mary NORRIS; bondsman Jo LEWIS; Jonathan McCARTY and Richard McKAY, both Simpson Creek residents, stated that Mary was over 21. John and Polly SIMPSON appear in a marriage record in Nelson Co. in 1802, so he is not the same as the John who m. Mary/Margaret McELROY.

Mary SIMPSON, dau. of Thomas, 13 Dec. 1812, Thomas SHORE; bondsman, Samuel SIMPSON; witn. to consent James and Samuel SIMPSON. (A SHORE family appears in Fayette Co., Kentucky.)

Nancy SIMPSON m. 23 Apr. 1821, Nelson Co., Kentucky., Burwell RHODES.

Thomas SIMPSON, m. 22 Jan. 1806, Anna HOWELL.

Thamer SIMPSON, dau. of Thomas, 28 Aug. 1807, Sylvanus MAY; witn. to consent Samuel SIMPSON and Joseph ROBINSON.

Samuel SIMPSON, 12- Oct. 1817, Elizabeth SCOTT, dau. of Thomas SCOTT; consent witn. by Redmon SCOTT. He is probably Thomas's son.

Nelson Co., Kentucky. Deeds
5/49, 10 March 1795. David MAY and wife Mary to John MASON of Loudon Co., Virginia., £33, 113 acres on waters of Simpsons Creek, adj. Thomas SIMPSON and MAY's 950-acre preemption.

5/57, 14 July 1795. David MAY and wife Mary to William MONROE, £60, tract in the drains of Simpsons Creek adj. Thomas SIMPSON.

5/307, 30 March 1797. Deposition by John MULDRAUGH that he and John SIMPSON marked trees in May 1776 to establish the claim of Thomas SIMPSON. Ashes Creek.

5/308, 30 March 1797. Depositions by John MULDRAUGH and John SIMPSON that they marked trees to establish the claim of Hugh MULDRAUGH on Ashes and Jack's Creek in May 1776.

5/350, 15 Nov. 1797. Thomas SIMPSON and wife Abigail to James WOODSMALL, £35, 100 acres on waters of Simpson Creek.

5/623, 5 Sept. 1798. Deposition of Thomas SIMPSON, age 41, taken at John EASTBURN's, states that in 1779 when exploring he saw the improvement near the EASTBURNs' house, a beginning cabin and deadened trees, and since living in the county heard it called Brashears.

6/4, 14 Sept. 1801. Report of commissioners Nicholas MINOR, Walter STALLARD, Bryant STONE and Thomas HALL to establish calls in land entry of John WELCH entered 27 May 1780, 30 acres on Salt River 3 miles below the mouth of Simpsons Creek. Depositions for Andrew WELCH: James PATTON was in the company of Thomas CLARKE and Tobias BRASHEAR in Nov. 1779 when they built a smokehouse there; Thomas SIMPSON, Patrick McGEE and William SMILEY depose on the name of Simpson Creek. William SMILEY certifies the hearing was advertised in Palladium 11 Aug. 1801.

6/885, 13 Sept. 1808. Benjamin BLINCOE and wife Elizabeth of Breckinridge Co. to James BROWN, £1035, 117 acres on Simpson's Creek adj. Thomas SIMPSON and OWSLEY's line.

6/886, 3 Apr. 1809. Thomas BLINCOE and wife Rebeccah to Benjamin DOWNS, $485, 117 acres on Simpson's Creek adj. Thomas SIMPSON, OWSLEY and James BROWN.

6/907, 20 Nov. 1809. Depositions taken by Nicholas MINOR and John STONE at the spring near the Presbyterian Meeting House. David EVANS states that he was present 22 or 23 years ago [1787-88] when Isaac COX laid off 500 acres for John MAY and that they met at Thomas SIMPSON's on Simpson's Run and proceeded up the right-hand fork of Simpson's Creek to the spring where they are meeting. He also recalls two licks, one called Sulphur Lick and the other near where Samuel Brown formerly lived. Thomas SIMPSON and Richard CONNER also gave depositions concerning the licks along Simpson's Creek.

7/219, 22 Aug. 1797. John E. KING and wife Sally to Benjamin BLINCOE, £70, 10 shillings, 235 acres on Simpson's Creek adj. OSWLEY's corner and Thomas SIMPSON.

9/17, 9 March 1810. John MASON and wife Ruth to Vincent DAVIS, £75, 10133/4. acres on waters of Simpson Creek Fork, adj. David MAY and Thomas SIMPSON.

9/184, 2 March 1811. Thomas SIMPSON and wife Abigail to Samuel SIMPSON, 100 acres on east side of Simpson's Creek.

10/115, 14 March 1814. Thomas SIMPSON to Sulvania MAY, $93.75, 1814. acres on Simpson Creek adj. MAY. Recorded same date.

10/185, 20 June 1814. Hezekiah MURPHY and wife Sally to Edmund COTTON, $725.00, land on east side of east fork of Simpson's Creek, a branch of Salt River, bounded on the south by the POWELL survey, on the north by Thomas SIMPSON, on the east by Thomas LEWIS, adj. James HEADY, John BEMISS. Recorded same date.

To be continued

[1] More information about this family can be found in this newsletter Vol. XIV, No. 1 Summer 1998 p. 1-6 and Vol. XVII, No. 1, Summer 2001, p. 1-2 (includes a photo of Rufus Marion Simpson).

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Joseph Valentine "Joel" Simpson

I'm interrupting the publication of back issues of the newsletter to report the discovery of another line of descent from Valentine Simpson's son John Anderson Simpson. The 1860 census showed that John A. Simpson and Margaret (Cherry) Simpson had a son named Joel V. born ca Feb. 1860. Apparently, he preferred to be known as Joseph Valentine Simpson later in life, although he was identified as Joel (his grandfather was Joel Cherry) on the 1860 and 1880 census records.

Shelia Counts Buckley sent the following information (click on her name to send her an email message):

Joseph Valentine Simpson (b Feb. 13, 1860-Dec. 29, 1928) born in MO., married to Sarah Jane Kell McDaniel (b.Apr. 1863- Jan. 16, 1933) in the year 1881 in Lawrence co., AR. These are my GG grandparents.

He is listed in the the 1880 census as living in the home as a laborer with Sarah Jane's parents and 4 yr. old son, by another marriage. Her first husband, John J. McDaniel died and she moved in with her parents for a short time.

Joseph and Sarah had the following children: Jasper M. b.July 3, 1896-Oct. 31, 1910; John b.1884-1943; Oliver, Frank, George, Dora Simpson married Finander Childers Clements of Ravenden, Ar.; Maggie E. married Edward Ozwald (Oswald) Justus; and Nellie G. married Amos Carson Clements (this is my ggrandparents.)

I have a picture of Sarah Jane, and I am waiting for a picture of Joseph through another family member. I didn't include all dates because I'm still getting notes together. But now I know who Joseph's father and mother are and other relatives, the puzzle pieces are fitting together.

Note: Sheila's family fits into the Simpson family outlined below.

Descendants of Valentine Wright Simpson

I. VALENTINE WRIGHT1 SIMPSON was born circa 1790 North Carolina. He married CYNTHIA ANN CROWLEY circa 1819 (They had one son under 10 and two daughters under 10 in 1820).

He appeared on the census of 1820 Warren Co., Tennessee (100010-201000).

He executed a deed on 10 Aug 1820 Hickory Creek, Warren Co., Tennessee.

He appeared on the census of 1830 Rutherford Co., Tennessee.

He married LUCRETIA LANE on 12 Mar 1835 Wilson Co., Tennessee.

He appeared on the tax list in 1838 District 3, Cannon Co., Tennessee.

He executed a deed on 21 May 1838 Carsons Fork, Cannon Co., Tennessee, on 22 Nov 1838 District 3, Cannon Co., Tennessee, and on 10 Sep 1839 Brawley Fork, Cannon Co., Tennessee.

He appeared on the census of 1840 Cannon Co., Tennessee.

He executed a deed on 28 Dec 1841 Cannon Co., Tennessee, on 1848 Cannon Co., Tennessee, and on 6 Dec 1848 12th District, Cannon Co., Tennessee.

He and JOSEPH SIMPSON executed a deed on 6 Dec 1848 12th District, Cannon Co., Tennessee.

He appeared on the census of 1850 Cannon Co., Tennessee.

He appeared on the census of 1860 Oregon Co., Missouri.

He died after 1860 probably in Missouri.

Valentine's children are listed below with their offspring:

A. NANCY2 SIMPSON was born circa 1820. She married JACOB M. KUYKENDALL after 1835. As of after 1835, her married name was KUYKENDALL.

1. WILLIAM3 KUYKENDALL was born after 1835.

2. SIMON3 KUYKENDALL was born after 1835.

B. JOHN A.2 SIMPSON was born on 17 Feb 1821 Tennessee. He married MARGARET CHERRY, daughter of JOEL CHERRY and SARAH UNKNOWN, between 16 Sep 1845 and 12 Oct 1845 Cannon Co., Tennessee. He relocated to in 1851 to Lawrence Co., Missouri. He appeared on the census of 14 Jul 1860 Mt. Vernon, Lawrence Co., Missouri. He relocated in 1861 to Randolph Co., Arkansas. He died in 1865 Randolph Co., Arkansas.

1. JAMES ARMSTRONG3 SIMPSON was born on 7 Sep 1846 Cannon Co., Tennessee. He married HELEN REBECCA ELLIS on 26 Dec 1871 Hartville, Wright Co., Missouri. In 1873 he moved to Wright Co., Missouri. He died in 1906 Mtn. Grove, Wright Co., Missouri.

2. NANCY A.3 SIMPSON was born circa 1847 Tennessee.

3. SARAH F.3 SIMPSON was born circa 1850 Tennessee.

4. MARTHA C.3 SIMPSON was born circa 1853 Missouri.

5. JOSEPH "JOEL" VALENTINE3 SIMPSON was born in Feb 1860 Missouri. He appeared on the census of 1880 Dent, Lawrence Co., Arkansas. He married SARAH ANN KELL MCDANIEL in 1881 Lawrence Co., Arkansas.

C. ELIZABETH2 SIMPSON married CHARLES UMBARGER. She was born circa 1825 Tennessee.







D. ANDREW SMART2 SIMPSON was born on 23 Nov 1828 Rutherford Co., Tennessee. He and JOSEPH SIMPSON executed a deed on 19 Oct 1853 12th District, Cannon Co., Tennessee. He executed a deed on 29 Sep 1854 12th District, Cannon Co., Tennessee. He married ELEANOR FINLEY on 1 Jan 1857 Cannon Co., Tennessee. He executed a deed on 5 Jan 1857 2nd District, Cannon Co., Tennessee and on 25 Feb 1857 12th District, Cannon Co., Tennessee. He married CAROLINE HERRING on 12 Sep 1880 Benton Co., Mississippi. He died on 11 Apr 1885 Benton Co., Mississippi, at age 56.

1. GEORGE3 SIMPSON was born circa 1856 Cannon Co., Tennessee. He died in 1860 Benton Co., Mississippi.

2. BENJAMIN DOUGLAS3 SIMPSON remained a bachelor. He was admitted to the bar in Jackson, Mississippi and elected to the House of Representatives in Benton in 1890. From 1890 to 1910 he was reelected as a representative of the Mississippi House of Representatives and at the time of his death in 1910 he was serving as a state senator. He was born on 28 Nov 1860 Cannon Co., Tennessee. He died on 21 Oct 1910 Benton Co., Mississippi, at age 49.

3. SARAH ANN3 SIMPSON was born on 26 Aug 1863 Benton Co., Mississippi. She married HENRY LEWIS GODDARD circa 1880 Benton Co., Mississippi. She died on 10 Apr 1885 Benton Co., Mississippi, at age 21.

4. JOHN EWELL3 SIMPSON was born on 1 May 1866 Benton Co., Mississippi. He married MARY EUNICE ELLIS on 21 Feb 1900 Graham, Young Co., Texas. He died on 5 Sep 1952 El Centro, Imperial Co., California, at age 86.

5. JAMES FRANKLIN3 SIMPSON owed on a note He was a farmer who studied at night and became a teacher. In 1896 he was elected County Superintendent of Education and served for 4 years.. He moved to Sheffield, Culbert Co., Alabama in 1900 where he worked in a second hand store and farmed. Later he was a notary public and Justice of the Peace in Sheffield for 15 or 15 years until his death in 1940. He was nearly blind at the time of his death. He was born on 1 Jul 1869 Benton Co., Mississippi. He died in 1940 Mississippi.

6. AMANDA EUGENIA3 SIMPSON died Mississippi. She was born on 4 Jul 1872 Benton Co., Mississippi.

7. ELEANOR3 SIMPSON died Alabama. She was born on 4 Dec 1875 Benton Co., Mississippi. She married JAMES DONALDSON circa 1900.

8. ELIZA3 SIMPSON married JOHN GIBSON. She was born in Apr 1882 Benton Co., Mississippi.

9. WILLIE CAROLINE3 SIMPSON was born in 1883 Benton Co., Mississippi. She died in Mar 1967 Mississippi.

10. OLIVE LESSIE3 SIMPSON was born in Jan 1885 Benton Co., Mississippi. She married FELIX WESLEY POUNDERS circa 1906 Alabama. She died in 1973 Alabama.

E. LOUISA JANE2 SIMPSON owed on a note The name of the wife of Josephus Finely is in doubt. Marjorie Slater said she was Anna Eliza, Claudia Bennett identified her as Sarah and Goodspeed says she was Louisa Simpson. She was born circa 1830 Rutherford Co., Tennessee. She married JOSEPHUS FINLEY on 19 Jan 1848 Cannon Co., TN Census. She died in Aug 1860.



F. GREEN HENDERSON2 SIMPSON was born in 1831 Rutherford Co., Tennessee. He was employed by a physician before 12 Jul 1860 Oregon Co., Missouri. He appeared on the census of 12 Jul 1860 Woodside Twp., Oregon Co., Missouri. He married SOPHRONIA E. GATLIN on 7 Mar 1861 Tippah Co., Mississippi.

1. ADA MAY3 SIMPSON was born after 12 Jul 1860 Mississippi.

2. MARY3 SIMPSON was born in 1863 Mississippi.

3. ANNIE3 SIMPSON was born in 1866 Mississippi.

4. JOHN HAMILTON3 SIMPSON was born in 1869 Mississippi.

5. MINNIE3 SIMPSON was born circa 1870 Mississippi.

G. MARTHA A.2 SIMPSON married LORENZO DARNE STOUT, HENRY BYRD and JAMES NELSON. She was born in 1833 Rutherford Co., Tennessee. She married JESSE BRANNON on 2 Dec 1846 Cannon Co., TN Census. She died in Feb 1885.

H. OLIVE ELLEN2 SIMPSON was born in 1836 Cannon Co., Tennessee. She married ABRAHAM GOODWIN on 20 Sep 1857 Cannon Co., Tennessee. As of 12 Jul 1860, she was also known as ELLEN GOODEN. [UPDATE: Ed Gooden, a descendant pointed me to the 1880 census record of Benton Co., MS where this couple lived. Also in their household was Lucretia (Olive's mother and widow of Valentine Simpson.]



3. THOMAS JEFFERSON3 GOODWIN was born in Dec 1859 Oregon Co., Missouri.

4. JOHN3 GOODWIN was born in 1862 Missouri.

5. JOSEPHUS3 GOODWIN was born in 1867 Missouri.

6. SINAI3 GOODWIN was born in 1869 Missouri.

I. DAVID G.2 SIMPSON was born circa 1838 Tennessee. He married MALISSA GOODEN on 31 May 1861 Oregon Co., Missouri. He married L.N. TOLBERT on 24 Dec 1871 Cannon Co., Tennessee.

J. FRANCIS SINA2 SIMPSON was born circa 1840 Tennessee. She married CHARLES MCKINLEY on 17 Dec 1857 Oregon Co., Missouri.

1. DAVID R.3 MCKINLEY was born in May 1860 Oregon Co., Missouri.

2. ALMARINDA CLEMENTINE3 MCKINLEY was born on 27 Oct 1861 Oregon Co., Missouri.

An anonymous person posted the following comment:

WOW! This blog is great. I will send this to my brothers and sister in Anchorage, AK. They will be very interested to find out the North Carolina connection. I am descended from Justus family in Lawrence County (previously Strawberry County) in northeastern Arkansas. Our grandmother is Maggie Simpson. Her husband's actual name is Edward Oswald Justus. You have the middle name as Ozwald (with a "Z"). The Justus family helped to form the Lone Oak Baptist church and cemetary in Ravenden, Arkansas. They have a website. Joel V. Simpson and Sarah Jane are buried in this cemetary, but the headstones have deteriorated and broken apart. They still hold services at Lone Oak Church. Aunt Dora Simpson was my father's maternal aunt. She was married to Finander. I can remember going to visit at their farmhouse which was situated high on an Ozark hill when I was just a child. Also, in that cemetary, there is a headstone for "Cora Simpson", who died just days before her wedding. She was buried in her wedding gown. This was a story that was handed down from great-grandparents.

Lois O'Banion Costine added more information in comments as follows:

I am a descendant of John A Simpson and Marguritte (sp)Cherry Simpson's daughter Millie Simpson Hefley b. 3/11/1862 d. 4/18/1917 in Cassville, Missouri. Her daughter Mabel was my grandmother. We live on the West coast, so anecdotal stories are very interesting.

Millie Simpson b. 3/11/ 1862 in Arkansas d.4/18/1917 in Cassville Mo. Wed Levi (aka Lee, Leavy) Hefley b. 4/18/59 in Mo. as far I know. There children were Clyde 2/85, Stella 12/87, Mabel 12/14/89, Florence 9/93, Virginia (Virgie) 11/94, Ethel 6/98, Jennie 5/1900, David )02, and Fern 04. Lee was killed 12/28/06 in Cassville.

Many thanks to Lois for additional information.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Simpson Clan Volume XIX, Issue 4 Spring 2004

THE SIMPSON CLANVolume XIX, Issue 4 ISSN 0884-3805 Spring 2004
Published by Nona Williams, PO Box 746, Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0746
Email & Website

Descendants of Absalom & Sarah (Williams) Simpson & the Simpsons in southeastern Carroll Co., Mississippi
June 2004, by Don Simpson
The following information is garnered from several sources in Rockingham Co., North Carolina and in Carroll Co., Mississippi. The usual sources such as census, probate, court minutes, & land records were used in Rockingham Co., while for Carroll Co., the census records were supplemented by information (especially cemetery records) posted on the excellent website at which also contains other records of interest.

William & Isabelle (CUMMINGS) SIMPSON of Jacobs Creek in Rockingham Co., North Carolina, had several children, the oldest known son being named Absalom. William was probably the son of Richard & Selah SIMPSON of Mears Fork, Guilford Co., North Carolina and grandson of Richard SIMPSON, Sr., who died in 1795 in Guilford Co.

Absalom SIMPSON was probably born ca. 1801, and died sometime between the 1840 census and August, 1843, when his widow, Sarah, petitioned the Court for her year’s widow’s allowance. Absalom’s father, William SIMPSON, made an undated will that was probated in May, 1844. In it he devised “to my beloved daughter-in-law, Sarah SIMPSON, widow of my son, Absalom SIMPSON, one tract of land on which she now resides etc .... also a Negro girl Melinda on the same conditions of the land & all her increase,” with the proviso that after her death or remarriage, “then to my grandchildren of Absalom.”

Absalom was married to Sarah WILLIAMS, possibly ca. 1826, but no marriage bond is known for that marriage and the date remains uncertain. Sarah was a daughter of William & Mary (SHREVE) WILLIAMS of Rockingham County and is named in the will of her father.

The censuses of 1830 & 1840 seem to indicate that Absalom & Sarah had about eight children, but by the 1850 census only the following four were living in Sarah’s household.

1. Mary Belle SIMPSON, b. 19 Jan., 1829, Rockingham Co., NC; d. 13 March, 1876, Carroll Co., MS; buried Midway Methodist Church Cemetery, Carroll Co., MS; married William Tyler STONE, 25 Nov., 1852, by Albert LOMAX, J.P., Rockingham Co.

2. William C. SIMPSON, b. ca. 1831, Rockingham Co.; d. 11 June, 1862, Halifax, North Carolina, while in military service; married Sarah BOON, bond of 5 Feb., 1855, bondsman James SIMPSON.

3. Robert W. SIMPSON, b. ca. 1835, Rockingham Co.; d. sometime after the 1900 census, Carroll Co., MS; married Susan (surname unknown), ca. 1867, Carroll Co., MS; bur. Vaiden Cemetery, Vaiden, Carroll Co., MS [no dates on tombstone].

4. Celia SIMPSON, b. ca 1839, Rockingham Co.; d. probably between 1870 & 1873, Rockingham Co., NC; married Lewis TRUITT, bond of 6 Sept., 1855, Rockingham Co. [Lewis married 2nd Nancy B. TROXLER, 30 Aug., 1873, Rockingham Co.].

Of these four children, the three first moved to Carroll Co., Mississippi probably in company with several neighboring families from Rockingham Co. The move occurred sometime between 1865 and 1870

Mary Belle Simpson.Mary Belle was married in 1852 in Rockingham Co., NC, to William Tyler STONE. William T. was a son of Dudley & Sarah (BRISENDINE) STONE. STONE & BRISENDINE families were neighbors of the SIMPSONs in southern Rockingham Co., residing on farms located in the area northwest of New Bethel Crossroads and on the headwaters of Jacobs Creek. Sarah had a brother, Henderson BRISENDINE, who was married in Rockingham Co. in Dec., 1843, to Margaret (maiden surname unknown) SIMPSON, widow of Sterling J. SIMPSON. There is a marriage bond in Rockingham Co. dated June, 1855, for H. BRISENDINE to Ava NEAL, which may be a second marriage for Henderson. Henderson & Margaret were in Rockingham Co. at the 1850 census but have not been found on any subsequent censuses. It appears they had at least four sons, all of whom apparently accompanied the STONEs on their move to Mississippi.

Descendants in Mississippi state that the STONE family came to Carroll Co., in 1858 (see Carroll County, Mississippi, History and Families, published by the Carroll County Genealogical Society, 2001), accompanied by several other families from Rockingham Co., North Carolina. Among those other families were the BRISENDINE boys, two CASE boys who were also nephews of Dudley’s wife, Sarah, and Adam A. TROXLER. Researchers of Peter Ryan SIMPSON, son of Thomas, will recall that an earlier Adam TROXLER and wife, Alafa, were neighbors of Peter R. SIMPSON in Rockingham Co. and like him, moved to middle Tennessee before 1820. The Adam A. TROXLER, who moved to Mississippi with the STONE family, was married in Carroll Co., to Sarah, daughter of Dudley & Martha STONE.

William C. Simpson.
William C. SIMPSON was married to Sarah BOON in Feb., 1855, and the 1860 census of Rockingham Co. (p. 86) shows them with two children, Cornelia A., age 4, and James M., age 2. Later records show there were two more children born to Wm. C. & Sarah, namely Mary C. and Rebecca J.
The North Carolina Division of Archives and History has published a series of volumes titled North Carolina Troops 1861 - 1865, A Roster. These give complete listings of Civil War soldiers who served from North Carolina, each with a brief abstract of their military record. Volume 11, compiled by W. T. Jordan, Jr., contains the listing for the 45th NC Infantry Regiment. Company D of that regiment was composed almost entirely of Rockingham County men, and included William C. SIMPSON, private. The abstract of his record reads “Resided in Rockingham County and enlisted in Wayne County on May 8, 1862, for the War; Died at or near Halifax on June 11, 1862. Cause of death not reported.”

The Rockingham Co. Court appointed James T. SIMPSON as Administrator of the Estate of William C. SIMPSON, deceased, at the August term, 1862 (p. 651). In the NC State Archive are two large file folders on this estate. Among those are papers that name the heirs of William C. SIMPSON as Cornelia A. E. SIMPSON, James M. SIMPSON, Mary C. SIMPSON, & Rebecca J. C. SIMPSON.

William’s widow, Sarah (BOON) SIMPSON, was married to her second husband, John B. YORK, in 1865. The Rockingham Co. marriage bond was dated 22 April, 1865, with bondsman James T. SIMPSON, and the marriage was performed 23 April by James T. SIMPSON, J.P.

John B. YORK was a neighbor who had been first Lieutenant in the same company D with Wm. C. SIMPSON. The abstract of his service shows he remained in the company until the surrender at Appomattox Court House on 9 April, 1865. He must have been able to reach his home in Rockingham Co. within a few days to be able to marry Sarah on the 23rd of that same month.

John B. YORK had been married to his first wife, Parthenia B. ROBERTSON, in Sept., 1849, in Rockingham Co. John B. & Parthenia YORK were on the 1860 census Rockingham Co. (p. 61) as ages 34 & 32 and with five children. From the ages of the children on the 1870 census it appears Parthenia probably died between 1861 & 1865. By 1870 John, Sarah & family were in Carroll Co., Mississippi, (p. 497) with a large household including six of John & Parthenia’s children, two children of John & Sarah, and Sarah’s four SIMPSON children.
By the 1880 census (Carroll Co., ED 25, p. 23) Sarah was a widow and head of household. There is no known tombstone for John B. YORK but he was probably buried in Midway Methodist Church Cemetery near Sarah. Her tombstone reads “Sallie BOON SIMPSON YORK, b. Oct 28, 1832, d. June 17, 1918.”
[UPDATE from Mable Daniel who is a descendant of Sarah (Sallie) Boone SIMPSON YORK: John B. York is buried in the New Salem Cemetery in Carroll Co., Mississippi near the town of Vaiden.
Sarah (Sallie?) Boone SIMPSON YORK is buried at Midway Methodist Church Cemetery by her son James Monroe SIMPSON. All her children by both marriages are buried at Midway. Mable's grandmother, was Rebecca Jane SIMPSON, the 4th child of William and Sarah SIMPSON.
Sarah's grave marker identifies her as Sally which was a common nickname for Sarah.]

The children of William C. & Sarah P. (BOON) SIMPSON were:

2a. Cornelia A. E. SIMPSON, b. ca. 1856, [Mable Daniel provides her date of birth as 28 Dec. 1854] Rockingham Co., North Carolina; md. James F. OAKES, 28 Dec., 1877, Carroll Co., MS. [Mable Daniel provides her date of death as 7 Jan. 1947 per her cemetery marker.]

2b. James Monroe SIMPSON, b. 2 April, 1858, Rockingham Co.; d. Oct., 1928, Carroll Co., Mississippi; bur. Midway Methodist Ch. Cemetery, Carroll Co.

2c. Mary C. SIMPSON, b. 1860, Rockingham Co.; d. 1917, Carroll Co., MS; bur. Midway Methodist Ch. Cemetery, Carroll Co.; md. in Carroll Co., Jesse C. SNELL.

2d. Rebecca Jane C. SIMPSON, b. 22 January, 1863, Rockingham Co.; d. 2 July, 1911, Carroll Co., MS; bur. Midway Methodist Ch. Cemetery; md. Robert R. BASKIN, 1 March, 1882, Carroll Co. [UPDATE from Mable Daniel: She doesn't not remember Rebecca Jane having a "C" in her name and the two of them were close and Rebecca died 2 July 1962 at age 99.]

Robert W. Simpson.
Robert W., son of Absalom & Sarah (WILLIAMS) SIMPSON, was probably married in Carroll Co., Mississippi, about 1867, to Susan (surname not now known to me). Robert & Susan are both buried in the Vaiden Cemetery, Vaiden, Mississippi, but the tombstone has only their names with no dates. They appear on the federal censuses in Carroll Co., from 1870 through 1920**** but the census entries for their family are very confusing. The order of children and ages are not consistent from one census to another and the reconstruction of the family is full of uncertainties. Also, the dates of birth recorded on their tombstones are often erroneous. Thus the following listing and data must be considered very uncertain & subject to revision when new information becomes available.

A tentative listing of children can be given as follows.

3A. Chester F. SIMPSON, b. Oct., 1868, Carroll Co.; md. Ida M. STOUT, 19 Oct., 1898, Carroll Co.; resided Panola Co., Mississippi, at the 1920 census.

3B. Jennette SIMPSON, b. ca. 1870, Carroll Co.

3C. Ellen SIMPSON, b. ca. 1872, Carroll Co.

3D. Susan SIMPSON, b. ca. 1873, Carroll Co.

3E. Robert Tyler SIMPSON, b. 28 April, 1875, Carroll Co.; d. 22 July, 1946, Carroll Co., buried Vaiden Cemetery; md. Artemius MILLER, 25 Jan., 1914, Carroll Co.

3F. Abner Garrett SIMPSON, b. 22 Oct., 1877, Carroll Co.; d. 2 March, 1951, buried Vaiden Cemetery; md. Sallie McCORKLE, 27 Dec., 1911, Carroll Co.

3G. Mary SIMPSON, b. 24 Feb., 1879; d. 18 Aug., 1956, buried Vaiden Cemetery; md. R. L. RANDLE, 14 Dec., 1913, Carroll Co.

3H. William SIMPSON, b. March, 1880, known only from the 1880 census.

3I. Lillian SIMPSON, b. 15 May, 1881, Carroll Co.; d. 10 May, 1948, buried Vaiden Cemetery; md. Murry V. STEWART, 22 Dec., 1905, Carroll Co.

3J. James L. SIMPSON, b. 5 Feb., 1889, Carroll Co.; d. 6 July, 1961, buried Vaiden Cemetery.

3K. Roy SIMPSON, b. 26 Nov., 1890, Carroll Co.; d. 21 Dec., 1955, buried Vaiden Cemetery.

This totals eleven children in the family yet on the 1900 census Susan, the mother, was listed as the mother of 10 children, of whom 8 were living then. However, there are so many errors in that census, especially in the listing for this family, that those numbers cannot be trusted to be correct. Given the gap between the births of Lillian and that of James L., it is likely there were more children born who died in infancy.

Celia Simpson
The TRUITT family is not known to have had any descendants in Carroll Co., Mississippi, but short mention is made of them here. Lewis & Celia’s children as listed on the censuses were: William W. TRUITT, b. ca. 1858; Lewis Joiner TRUITT, b. ca. 1859; John Dillard TRUITT, b. ca. 1861; Thomas S. TRUITT, b. ca. Oct., 1863; & Mary A. TRUITT, b. ca. July, 1870. Of these children, only Thomas S. was listed in Rockingham Co. on the 1900 census; the fate or whereabouts of the others is not known to me at this time.

Note: Don Simpson would like to thank Carolyn Bayse and Margaret Simpson Rambo who compiled lists of articles by him that have been published in back issues of this newsletters. The lists have been a great time saver for him.


I’m still looking for the parents of Alley RODGER. She married P.D. (Powhatan David) SIMPSON, November 15, 1865 in Rockingham Co., North Carolina. Alley was born May 23, 1843 according to her tombstone.

Please contact Carolyn W. Bayse, 1008 Oakley Avenue, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870.

A while back, in a discarded book, I found a certificate, which appears to be vellum and is signed by one Matthew SIMPSON, “one of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America. It is signed and dated in black ink, the 27th day of September 1863 in Jackson, Michigan by Matthew SIMPSON. The certificate states that Adam Y. GRAHAM has been designated as an Elder in the church by the Michigan Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It bears a stamped seal in the bottom right corner – an open book encircled by the words “Preach the Word – Feed My Sheep”. It is in very good condition. Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edison, Cincinnati is the maker of the certificate.

Matthew SIMPSON, bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church was born in Cadiz, Ohio, on 6-21-1811. He was the first president of Indiana Asbury University, in Greencastle, Indiana, which is now De Pauw University. He was editor of a newspaper which promoted a strong stand against slavery and was an intimate and trusted friend of President LINCOLN, who considered his advice of great value. He was one of the speakers at LINCOLN's funeral in Springfield, Illinois. He died in Philadelphia on 6-18-1884. Would this be of any interest to any readers?

Contact Mrs. Anyta Hosty, 9746 South 53rd Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL 60453-2906, email:

Descendants of William Simpson [and Elizabeth Hocking] in Cherokee Co. GA[1]
Larkin SimpsonBy Kathleen Akin, 380 Braxton Place, Tucker, GA 30084, email:
Continued from Volume XIX No. 2 Fall 2003

Larkin SIMPSON[2] (son of John SIMPSON [1760-1849] and Arilla OSBURN [1760-1840]) was born about 1792, South Carolina[3]. His was a blacksmith.[4] His wife was Margaret CANNON[5] about 1796 South Carolina.[6] Their children were:

Female child N.R.H. SIMPSON born about 1826 Georgia.[7]

Female child born 1830/1835.[8]

Female child E.D. SIMPSON born about 1830 DeKalb Co., Georgia.[9]

male child E.J. SIMPSON[10] born 18 August 1830[11] DeKalb Co., Georgia,[12] died 17 April 1898,[13] buried Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery, Cobb Co., Georgia,[14] married 21 December 1865, Cobb Co., Georgia to Eliza Jane ROBERTSON[15]

Male child J.C. SIMPSON born about 1834 DeKalb Co., Georgia.[16]

Female child born 1835/1840 DeKalb Co., Georgia.[17]

Male child W.A.J. SIMPSON born about 1836 DeKalb Co., Georgia.[18]

Male child L.M. SIMPSON born about 1839 DeKalb Co., Georgia.[19]

Larkin SIMPSON served in the War of 1812. He was a private in Nash’s Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers.[20] He married Margaret CANNON and they had 8 children, 4 sons and 4 daughters. He fought in the War of 1812 and married after the war.[21] He was on the default list on the tax list of 1826 Gwinnett Co., Georgia. Larkin SIMPSON, soldier, Hay’s District, DeKalb Co., Georgia draws land in the 1827 land lottery. He drew Lot #252, Dist. 20, Section 2. This land was in Lee County.[22] (I think it was really Say’s District and was transcribed wrong.)
In 1830 Larkin was a defendant in a small civil court case in DeKalb Co., Georgia. It was about some money he owed John DABBS which had been due May 21, 1829. He is found in several cases during the early 1830s.[23] April 1, 1836 there was a letter remaining in the Lawrenceville, Gwinnett Co., Georgia post office for Larkin SIMPSON.[24]

Larkin and his family were in DeKalb Co., Georgia in the 1840 census. Where he lives later becomes what is called Evan’s District. 2200010000000-0112001000000.[25] Where was he in the 1850 census? 24 June 1858 “…cash paid Larkin SIMPSON …” by Mrs. Salina ELLINGTON, guardian of David B. ELLINGTON for 1858 in DeKalb Co., Georgia.[26] Larkin and his family are living in Town District, Cobb Co., Georgia in the 1860 census.[27]

To be continued

Simpson Creek and Thomas Simpson
Nelson Co., Kentucky
By Robert P. Moore, 176 Valley Rd., Lexington, Ky 40503, e-mail:
Published in Nelson County Genealogist, Volume 19, #4, Summer 2003 pp. 85-94, Reprinted with permission
Continued from the Simpson Clan, winter issue

10/190, 26 May 1814. Abraham HITE and wife Elizabeth, Joseph HITE and wife Sarah and Robert BRECKINRIDGE as exrs. of Isaac HITE, decd., $100.00, 58 acres on Ashes Creek, a part of 300-acre grant to Isaac HITE of Leven POWELL bearing date 2 Feb. 1786, adj. SYMM's northwest line, corner to Thomas HEDDY, Ashes Creek, line of Hugh MULDROUGH and Thomas SIMPSON. Eliza HITE relinquishes her dower in Jefferson Co. Recorded 13 Jan. 1814. [A MULDRAUGH/MULDROW family, one of them named Hugh, was situated early in western Fayette Co. ]

11/62, 30 Sept. 1813. William WREN, atty. for William WREN of Fluvanna Co., Virginia to Edmund GUTHERIE, $50.00, 238 acres on waters of Ashes Creek, part of a tract of 500 acres granted William WREN by patent bearing date 5 July 1784, beginning at POWELL's line, going to Thomas SIMPSON and Hugh MULDRO preemption, thence to Coleman DUNCAN's line. Witn. John CARR, John BROWN, Ralph BROWN. Recorded 21 May 1814.

12/ 423, 10 March 1818. Thomas SIMPSON and wife Abigail to Edmund COTTON, $534.00, 633/4 acres on waters of Simpson's Run, adj. James HEADY, WOODSMALL. Witn. Jas. S. TINGLE, James CALDWELL. Rec. 16 March 1818.

12/524, 10 March 1818. Thomas and Abigail SIMPSON to Sylvanus MAY, all of Nelson Co., $430.00, 54 1/4 acres on Simpson's Run, a branch of Simpson's Creek, adj. WOODSMALL, MAY. Same witn. as above. Rec. 16 March 1818.

13/239, 2 March 1819. Thomas and Abigail SIMPSON to son Gilbert, $1, 100 acres where Thomas SIMPSON now lives, being a part of 500-acre grant entered and patented in name of sd. SIMPSON, near forks of run called Simpson's Run, adj. Samuel SIMPSON 100 acres deed him by Thomas and a small parcel entered in the name of Drakeford GRAY and "pateented in my name" (4 or 5 acres). Signed Thomas SIMPSON, Abigal (X) SIMPSON. Witn. Samuel SIMPSON, Silvanus MAY, Robt . COTTON, Samuel BELWOOD. Rec. same date.

14/538, 14 Aug. 1821. Gilbert SIMPSON of Nelson Co. to Archibald PITT, $500.00, 100 acres near fork of Simpson's run, at so. end of Thomas SIMPSON's 500-acre survey of which this 100 is a part, adj. Samuel SIMPSON's 100 acres deeded him by Thomas along with 4-5 acres entered in the name of Drakeford GRAY. Rec. 15 Aug. 1821.

15/82, 23 Oct. 1821. Samuel and Elizabeth SIMPSON of Nelson Co. to James BLINCOE, $1000, 100 acres on the east side of Simpson's Creek on Simpson's Run, part of 500-acre survey of Thomas SIMPSON. Signed Thomas SIMPSON, Elizabeth (X) SIMPSON. Rec. 26 Nv. 1821.

17/21, 19 Nov. 1825. Thomas SIMPSON to James HEADY, $302, 56 1/2 acres on Simpson's Run, adj. Vincent DAVIS, James HEADY and the sd. SIMPSON's land. Signed Thomas SIMPSON, Abbigal (X) SIMPSON. Witn. John EASTBURN, Esquier HEADY. Rec. 26 Nov. 1825.

17/427, 1 Nov. 1827. Gilbert SIMPSON of Spencer Co. to Samuel BROWN of Nelson Co., $700.00, 90 3/4 acres, being part of Thomas SIMPSON's 500-acre survey, adj. James BLINCOE, Simpson's Run, so far down the run as to include a piece of land (5-7 acres) sold by Gilbert to John R. DAVIS (adj. Abner ROBERTS and Benj. DOWNS). Signed Gilbert SIMPSON, Isabel (X) SIMPSON. Rec. Spencer Co. 11 Jan. 1828, Nelson Co. 7 March 1828.

Notes on Cuthbert COMBS vs. Leven POWELL et al. in Nelson Co. Compiled Records, 1800-1817, p. 589ff.

28 March 1811, bill in chancery, Cuthbert COMBS by his counsel vs. heirs of Leven POWELL decd., Abraham HITE, Joseph HITE, Rebecca VANMETRE FISHBACK [m. Charles FISHBACK], and Jacob HITE, infant heirs of Isaac HITE, and Jesse MURRAY, Enoch MURRAY, John MURRAY, Alfred MURRAY, James MURRAY, Joseph MURRAY, Peggy married to Charles ONEAL, Nancy married to Samuel McKAY, and Betsy MURRAY, heirs of John MURRAY decd. and Dorcas MURRAY, widow of sd. John MURRAY, decd., Joseph MILLIGAN, William McKAY, Leven GREEN, and Peter BROWN.

Land entry made 15 May 1780.

Cuthbert COMBS was of Clark Co., Kentucky. Text of his will is entered: ..."10 of my children, viz. Betsy EDWARD, formerly Betsy COMBS, Joseph COMBS, Benjamin COMBS, Polly [COMBS ] EVANS, John COMBS, Sythe [COMBS] PAYNE, Susannah [COMBS] HICKMAN, Cuthbert COMBS, Sally [COMBS] EVANS, Nancy (COMBS] PAYNE have married and received part of my estate. Sons Fielding Alexander COMBS and Ennis COMBS. Wife Sally." wr. 20 Feb. 1814, pr. 24 July 1815. Exrs. wife and sons Fielding Alexander COMBS and Ennis COMBS. Mentions 1000 acres in Nelson Co. on Simpson's Ck. adjoining William BRASHEAR's preemption.

p. 605, Cuthbert COMBS vs. Levin [Leven] POWELL heirs. Deposition of Thomas SIMPSON.
Q. When did Simpson's Creek obtain that name and by whom was it named?
A. I never knew it by any other name than Simpson's Creek. In 1779 in the Spring of that year, it was proposed by Mr. McGEE to call it Simpson's Creek after this deponent, to which all the Company agreed.
Q. Who were the persons in company when Simpson's Creek was named that name?
A. Samuel POTTINGER, Patrick McGEE, John SEVERNS and this deponent Thomas SIMPSON.


Is the Neibling article mistaken in its description of the John, brother of Thomas of Nelson Co. ? Could the John below in Nelson Co. deeds be that John? He could be the John who m. Mary McELROY in Nelson Co., Virginia (Kentucky) on 24 Feb. 1791. If this John of Nelson and Washington is not the brother of Thomas, who is he? He seems to be associated with Thomas, whatever the case. Note that both Thomas and John have associations with the MULDRAUGHs, who were in both Fayette Co. and Nelson.

4/71, 9 July 1790. William EDWARDS and wife Nancy to Regular Baptists, 30 shillings, 1 ½ acres on east side of the East Fork of Simpson Creek, adjoining John SIMPSON. [This is doubtless the same location where the Bloomfield Baptist Church is today. Thus, as far as present-day boundaries are concerned, John lived in Bloomfield, perhaps on the road to Chaplin.]

5/220, 12 Nov. 1795. John SIMPSON to William ALLISON, ten-year lease for two tracts at 10 shillings yearly, 1 acre near where John SIMPSON lives and 1acre near David COOMBS house, both on waters of Simpsons Creek.

5/307, 30 March 1797. Deposition by John MULDRAUGH that he and John SIMPSON marked trees in May 1776 to establish the claim of Thomas SIMPSON. Ashes Creek..

5/308, 30 March 1797. Depositions by John MULDRAUGH and John SIMPSON that they marked trees to establish the claim of Hugh MULDRAUGH on Ashes and Jack's Creeks in May 1776.

6/813, 7 June 1809. John SIMPSON and wife Mary to John BEMISS, $800, land on the east fork of Simpson's Creek, being part of 2000-acre patent of Leven POWELL granted in 1784 and which was conveyed to Isaac HITE by POWELL in 1792; also part of 112 acres also acquired from HITE, adj. Wm. EDWARDS's meadow.

9/25, 24 Jan. 1810. Abraham HITE and wife Elizabeth, Joseph HITE and wife Sarah, Robert BRECKINRIDGE, exrs. of Isaac HITE, decd., to Henry DUNCAN of Nelson Co., $300, 377 acres on waters of east fork of Simpson's Creek, being part of2000-acre tract granted to Leven POWELL, by patent bearing date June 1, 1782, and from POWELL to Isaac HITE, adj. lands of Andrew HYNES, John SIMPSON, Thomas HEADY, Obediah TRUAX, John and Edward COOMBS.

Will of John SIMPSON, Washington Co., Kentucky. Will Book B, p. 223, wr. 25 Nov. 1812, pr. 8 March 1813. To wife Mary; son James, daus. Esther McELROY, Jane SIMPSON, Peggy SIMPSON. Exrs. son-in-law James McELROY and wife Mary. Witn. Samuel McELROY, Andrew MULDRAUGH, Sally THOMPSON, Phil WASHBURN.

Washington Co. MarriagesEsther SIMPSON m. James McELROY 19 Sept. 1809
Jane SIMPSON m. James C. McELROY 15 March 1814
Mary SIMPSON m. John McELROY 12 July 1825
?Margaret SIMPSON m. George H. GARTON 7 Sept. 1818

And note this in Nelson Co.: John SIMPSON, 24 Feb. 1791, Margaret [Mary?] McELROY, dau. of Hugh and Easter.

According to a McELROY history, Margaret McELROY m. Capt. John MULDRAUGH, a pioneer in the Rolling Fork section of Washington Co. that is now in Marion Co. This is recorded in Nelson Co. 22 July 1790, where she is called the dau.of Hugh and Easter [IRVINE ] McELROY. [John MULDRAUGH was already in Nelson Co. by the time of the 1787 census of Virginia.]
Simpson records in Spencer Co., Kentucky

Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Spencer Co., Kentucky Marriages and Vital Statistics, Ada, OK 1979
p. 32, Aaron SIMPSON m. Margaret HILL, 20 Nov. 1842, bondsman Robert CUNNINGHAM

p. 33, Gilbert SIMPSON m. Isabella RICE, 10 May 1824

p. 33, John R. W. SIMPSON m. Sabrina Ann HADDOX, 27 June 1848, dau. of William M. HADDOX, bondsman David HADDOX. It would appear from this marriage record and from the Spencer Co. censuses of 1850, 60 and 70 that John's initial R. stands for Redmon. John Redmon was his mother's maternal grandfather.

p. 78, Margaret W. SIMPSON, b. 25 Aug. 1857, parents Aaron SIMPSON and Margaret HILL

p. 99, Theodore E. WHEELER, b. 24 July 1875, parents William M. WHEELER and Dorthula J. SIMPSON; parents both b. Jefferson Co., res. Spencer Co. [She is possibly a daughter of French SIMPSON. The relationship of French to the family of Thomas has not been determined. The given name French appeared several times among the Virginia branch of the Charles Co., Maryland, family, although such a surname has not been found in their ancestry.]

p. 144, female child, no aged. Oct. 1877, Spencer, parents Granderson T. and Jennie A. SIMPSON, both b. Spencer. Granderson is George SIMPSON's son (1850 census). George is quite likely of the line of Thomas SIMPSON, given that he adjoins members of the Samuel SIMPSON family in the 1850 census.

p. 147, Aaron J. SIMPSON, 58, died 1 Nov. 1878, b. res., d. Spencer Co., parents b. Nelson Co. Samuel and Elizabeth SIMPSON.

Eula Richardson Hasskarl, Spencer Co., Kentucky Marriages and Orphans Bonds, Ada, OK 1980

Marriage Section
p. 41, Grandison S. SIMPSON m. Jennie A. JAMES, 13 December 1871, bondsman John McMAHON; at John MACHAN’s, Spencer; Witn. Joseph WHEELER, Isaac N. YATES, Felix WELLS.

p. 50, Maggie SIMPSON, dau. of A.J. SIMPSON, m. William H. HOWARD, 22 December 1876; bondsman Enoch HILL; at A.J. SIMPSON’s, Spencer Co., Witn. Charles HOUGH, John BLACK Sr.

p. 52, Susan M. SIMPSON m. Joshua G. BROWN, 17 October 1876, bondsman Thomas C. SIMPSON, at father Aaron SIMPSON’s Spencer Co.; witn. Joseph BROWN, Aaron SIMPSON

p. 62 Roxie SIMPSON m. Adam SCOTT, 2 November 1882, at Mrs. Margaret SIMPSON’s, Spencer Co., Witn. B.L. NORTHCOTT, Burr BROWN.

~To be continued~

[1] More information about this family can be found in this newsletter Vol. XIV, No. 1 Summer 1998 p. 1-6 and Vol. XVII, No. 1, Summer 2001, p. 1-2 (includes a photo of Rufus Marion Simpson).
[2] Letter written in 1874 by a descendant of John Simpson naming his posterity as best remembered. The letter is on the web site .
[3] 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia census, Town Dist., 55/412/397, p. 277.
[4] 1840 DeKalb Co., Georgia census, District 37, p. 32.
[5] 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia census, Town Dist., 55/412/397, p. 277.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] 1840 DeKalb Co., George census, district 37, p. 32.
[9] 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia census, Town Dist., 55/412/397, p. 277.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Tombstone
[12] DeKalb Co., Georgia Brownings Courthouse Justice of the Peace Docket Book 1828-1833, p. 74.
[13] Tombstone
[14] I visited the cemetery 13 June 1982.
[15] Cobb Co., Georgia Marriage Book A, p. 60.
[16] 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia census, Town Dist., 55/412/397, p. 277.
[17] 1840 DeKalb Co., George census, district 37, p. 32.
[18] 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia census, Town Dist., 55/412/397, p. 277.
[19] Ibid.
[20] War of 1812 Muster Rolls, Roll Box 190, Roll Exct. 502, Roll Rec. 1497.
[21] Letter written in 1874 by a descendant of John Simpson naming his posterity as best remembered. The letter is on the web site .
[22] Reprint of the Original Register of Land Lottery of Georgia 1827, p. 164.
[23] DeKalb Co., Georgia Brownings Courthouse Justice of the Peace Docket Book 1828-1833, pp. 37, 38, 40, 56, 64, 66, 71, 74, 115, 141.
[24] Larry W. Parr, Gwinnett County Records as recorded in Antehns, Georgia Newspaper: 1827-1840, p. 33.
[25] 1840 DeKalb Co., Georgia census, district 37, p. 32.
[26] DeKalb Co., Georgia Sales and Appraisements Book B (1852-1858), p. 566-567.
[27] 1860 Cobb Co., Georgia census, Town Dist., 55/412/397, p. 277.