Volume XXI, Issue 1 ISSN 0884-3805 Summer 2005
The Family of Andrew and Jane Simpson
Bath Co., Kentucky
July 2005 - by Janet Allen
Andrew and Jane SIMPSON were Virginians, he born April 15, 1772, she born in 1776/7. They brought their first born, Thomas, born in 1800, to Kentucky very soon after his birth and settled in the beautiful green hills of Montgomery County, just east of Lexington. Andrew acquired land in the area as early as 1799, and it is likely that he and Jane were part of a family migration. Andrew's sisters, Mary (later Mrs. James HUGHS) and Elizabeth, who married Simon GALASBY (later GILLESPIE), arrived in the same time frame. There were also William Jamieson SIMPSON, brother of Jane (SIMPSON) SIMPSON, and Joseph SIMPSON, either a brother or cousin to Andrew, and Elizabeth and Alexander SIMPSON of undetermined relationship, who all established homesteads nearby.
Andrew and Jane, following the family's tradition, became planters and acquired extensive holdings over a period of years, recorded at the courthouse in Mt. Sterling. They eventually had nine children who grew up on the plantation, which straddled the Hingston Fork of the Licking River. In 1811, the Hingston Fork became part of the boundary between Montgomery County and the new Bath County. The family brought with them a knowledge of horse and mule husbandry which interest descended through the family for four generations, providing a handsome living for some members. They were avid violinists and small string ensembles were part of the family's culture for several generations. Several SIMPSON families became members of the historic Springfield Presbyterian Church, south of Sharpsburg, and are buried in its churchyard.
The order of birth of the first three children is not precisely established because records of Montgomery Co. were destroyed in a fire in 1850, and again burned by the Confederates in 1863. Only reconstructed records are available and offer limited help. Census data are not consistent.
Thomas Simpson
1800 - 1856
It has always been accepted by the family that Thomas SIMPSON, my gggrandfather, was born in 1800 in Virginia, and all other children were born in Kentucky. Census data support the locations. There are legal transactions on record in Montgomery Co. suggesting the family may have come from Loudoun Co., Virginia. The Levin LUCKETT family and heirs, of that area in Virginia, appointed Andrew to perform services regarding land transfers in Montgomery Co. on their behalf.
As a young man, Thomas began to acquire land on the Hingston Fork. In 1829, on Jan. 5, he bought from Sanford and Martha JAMESON 170 acres for $2464, which had been part of a 1000-acre grant to Thomas JAMESON, recorded in bk. 14, pg. 244 of the Deeds and Mortgages registers in the courthouse at Mt. Sterling.
Later in the year, on July 28, 1829, possibly in Taylor Co., Kentucky (by a nephew's account), Thomas married Caroline BADGER, daughter of David BADGER. Caroline was born Oct. 28, 1810 in Montgomery Co. Her father David was born about 1776/7 in Morristown, New Jersey, and died April 4, 1848 in Putnam Co., Indiana. He was the son of Mary HATHAWAY of Clark Co., Kentucky and Joshua BADGER of Tolland Co., Connecticut. Caroline was also a violinist as was her mother, Elizabeth MILLER, born Sept. 4, 1781 in Culpepper Co., Virginia. Caroline's brother and sisters played and sang, and Thomas was said by a nephew to have stopped his ears and run through the room while the group was playing, pretending the music hurt his ears. Thomas was a violinist, too.
On Feb. 6, 1830, the young SIMPSONs acquired 87 acres for nine dollars per acre, bk. 15, pg. l. On Jan. 18, 1831, another 129 acres adjoining their land was bought for $50, bk. 15, pg. 237. And in 1833, they acquired 43 acres and road on Hingston Fork for $800. There were sales of land: 137.5 acres on Hingston Fork in 1835, bk. 17, pg. 224; 170 acres for $30 per acre to Caroline's brother-in-law, Milton JAMIESON (husband of her sister Sarah BADGER), bk. 17, pg. 180; and in 1837, bk. 18, pg. 66, two lots of 6 and 7 acres, for $400 to the same Milton JAMIESON.
In late 1835, Thomas and Caroline, along with other SIMPSONs and PICKRELL relatives, moved to Sangamon Co. in central Illinois, spending their first winter at Springfield, then settling at Mechanicsburg nearby, acquiring land and resuming farming and stock-raising. Their family now consisted of: Andrew b. Oct. 22, 1830, "on the banks of the Licking River," by his words to a nephew; David B. b. Oct. 3, 1832 in Montgomery Co., and James Monroe SIMPSON b. Oct. 3, 1834 in Montgomery Co., my great grandfather. In Sangamon Co., Illinois, three more children were born: Emily C. SIMPSON b. about 1837, d. April 21, 1864 in Illinois; Alexander Hamilton SIMPSON b. about 1841, d. about 1860 in Christian Co., Illinois, and Mary S. SIMPSON b. about 1844, d. May 15, 1879.
In Jan. 1842, Thomas' father Andrew died in Kentucky. To represent Thomas' interests in settling the estate, Thomas appointed on Jan. 25, 1842 Jesse YEATES, of Montgomery Co., Kentucky, husband of Caroline's sister Polly BADGER and "good friend." As reported in a previous issue of The Simpson Clan, the settlement required six-and-one-half years. On Jan. 24, 1842, Thomas bought the interests of his brother James, instrument 7237-00. On May 14, 1844, book 21, pages 53-54, is recorded a deed selling all right of his sister Eliza SIMPSON CALDWELL's inheritance to Thomas and brother-in-law Joseph STEPHENS, husband of sister Mary SIMPSON STEPHENS, for $3000. On May 7, 1844, bk. 21, pg. 54, Thomas and Joseph bought all interests of Thomas' sister Evelina Belmont OWINGS, for $3000.
On Feb. 29, 1844, Caroline died and was buried in the Pickrell Cemetery, Mechanicsburg, Sangamon Co. On Dec. 3, 1845, Thomas married Martha WARRINER in Sangamon Co. They moved to Christian Co., Illinois in 1846 where Thomas bought for $800 a 262-acre farm with improvements which included house, barns and fences, at the head of Bear Creek, just north of Palmer, Illinois, later buying a total of 444 acres. Four children were born to the marriage: William b. about 1848; Benjamin F. b. about 1850; Elizabeth b. about 1853; and Catherine (Cassie) b. about 1855.
Thomas was a "prominent Mason" and held various township offices, including County Commissioner. He and Martha lived at Bear Creek Farm until he died on Dec. 6, 1856. He is buried at Anderson Cemetery, near Palmer, in Christian Co.
Much of the information of Thomas' years in Illinois was obtained from family letters, a biographical sketch published in History of Christian County, Illinois 1880, page 353, and visits to the Pickrell and Anderson cemeteries.
Eliza Simpson1800/1 - After 1860
The exact year of Eliza's birth in Montgomery Co. is difficult to determine. Census data in later years do not agree, but it appears that she was probably born in very late 1800 or 1801. There is no debate that she was a Kentuckian. In the 1810 census of Montgomery Co., there are two girls under age 10 in the SIMPSON household.
Eliza remained in her home area all her life, as far as is known. In Montgomery Co., Kentucky Records Book No. 1, is recorded her marriage on April 14, 1825 to Robert P. B. CALDWELL. He was a physician of Logan Co., Kentucky. Robert was born in 1796, the son of Samuel CALDWELL. The wedding was performed by Rev. Joseph HOWE, a Presbyterian minister at the Springfield Presbyterian Church. The CALDWELLs' known children were: Lucinda J. b. in 1828; Harriet J. b. in 1830; Eliza J. b. in 1832, and Mary b. in 1834.
When Eliza's father died, Robert was appointed attorney-in-fact to represent his wife and her sister Emily SIMPSON COONS in settling their portions of the estate. Robert seems to have had more than medicine and legal matters of interest to him. In the 1850 census of Sacramento, California, Robert was living in household 1253 with his name given as R. P. B. CALDWELL, M. D., Kentucky. Eliza was still in Sharpsburg, Bath Co., age 50, living with her mother Jane, sister Frances Jane, and with Eliza's four daughters. Was Robert trying to get in on the gold rush? By 1860, he was back in Bath Co. with Eliza and Lucinda. He was 63, claiming real estate valued at $4700, personal property of $500. Eliza was 61, and Lucinda 34.
Eliza did not appear in the 1870 census, and likely died before that year. Robert, age 73, was living with Lucinda, age 42, in the home of farmer George HAMILTON in Sharpsburg. He claimed no real or personal property value. The fact that Lucinda was recorded as being 34 in 1860 and 42 in 1870 demonstrates the fallacy of relying too heavily on census data as fact. Neither Robert nor Lucinda can be found in the 1880 census. Nothing further is known about Robert except one surprising discovery. In Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Cass Co., Missouri, just south of Kansas City, in the plot of Thomas Alexander SIMPSON and wife Frances Jane (SIMPSON) SIMPSON, there is a headstone reading: Dr. Robert B. CALDWELL. No dates are on the stone. The cemetery records were poorly kept before 1950 and the sexton cannot assure that Robert is buried in this plot. It appears that Robert, as an elderly man, came to Missouri after Lucinda died, to visit or live near his sister-in-law Frances, and may have died while in Missouri.
Harriett Simpson
1801 - Aft. 1850
The census data do agree consistently that Harriett was born in the 1800/01 era in Montgomery Co. It cannot be determined whether she was younger or older than her sister Eliza. She was also a violin-player.
In the aforementioned Montgomery Co. Records Book No. 1 (reconstructed) is recorded Harriett's marriage on Oct. 29, 1818 to William F. LUCKETT of the Leesburg area of Loudoun Co., Virginia. The wedding was performed by the Rev. John SMITH. William was born March 4, 1788, recorded in the family Bible of his father Leven LUCKETT of Loudoun Co. The couple resided in that county where William practiced law. On May 12, 1817 he had granted Harriett's father Andrew power-of-attorney, recorded both in Montgomery Co., Kentucky and Loudoun Co., to rent, sell and convey land in Kentucky and Ohio on behalf of Leven LUCKETT and Leven's brother-in-law, Townshend PEYTON, also of Virginia.
In the 1820 census of Leesburg, Virginia, there were in the household one boy under 10, and two older boys who could not have been their sons. There were five slaves. The 1830 census of Bloomfield, Loudoun Co., pg. 107, enumerated two boys under 5, two boys age 5-9 inclusive, and one boy 10-14 inclusive. There were one girl, America ("Meck"), born in 1830, and two girls ages 5-9 inclusive. There were six slaves. The 1840 census found Harriett heading a household next door to her brother Thomas in Sangamon Co., Illinois. There is a daughter under 5 years of age. It appears that William may have died about 1836/7 and Harriett moved briefly back to Kentucky where daughter Ara was born in 1837. She then moved on to Illinois where a colony of SIMPSONs and PICKRELLs had moved in 1835. In the 1850 census in Sangamon Co., besides Harriett age 50, there were: Eliza age 20, born in Virginia; Thomas age 17, born in Virginia; and Ara (female) age 13, born in Kentucky. Harriett had property valued at $3500. Daughter America had married, on Dec. 30, 1847, William B. HUNDLEY of Kentucky, and was no longer in the LUCKETT household.
Harriett cannot be found in the 1860 census. It is not known where or when she died.
Mary Simpson1804 - 1845
The only known record of the birth date of Mary SIMPSON, the fourth child of Andrew and Jane, is on her tombstone. She was born April 30, 1804, in Sharpsburg. She was "admitted" to the Springfield Presbyterian Church on Sept. 3, 1837, which is recorded in the Session Book.
Mary married Joseph STEPHENS of Fleming Co., Kentucky, born about 1800. In the 1840 census, the earliest one in which the STEPHENS household can be found, there was a male child of age 5 but under 10. However, there was another male age 20-29 inclusive, and the child could belong to him. Mary was in the 39 - 39 age category, which is no help in determining her birth year. Mary lived less than four years longer than her father, who died in 1842, and in the documents concerning settling his estate, registered in Montgomery Co., she had begun to sell portions of her inheritance to various parties when she died. Her husband had bought, in partnership with her brother Thomas, certain parcels of land from her sister Eliza and sister Evelina, and then Mary died on Dec. 28, 1845 at one P.M. The document of August 16, 1848, bk. 23, pgs. 59-60, recorded in Deeds and Mortgages volumes states that Mary died childless. Her part of the estate not yet sold became the inheritance of her siblings and mother. The confusion and delay of further settlement is described in the story of her father in the Spring 2005 issue of The Simpson Clan. Joseph remarried and lived beyond 1870, fathering three daughters and one son.
Mary SIMPSON STEPHENS is buried in the churchyard of Springfield Presbyterian Church, next to her mother and father.
Joseph Alexander Simpson1809 - 1819
Discovering that there was a little boy named Joseph in this family was a surprise. He had never been mentioned nor written about within the family, and it is likely that succeeding generations simply didn't know that he existed. Joseph was born on Aug. 25, 1809, the fifth child of Andrew and Jane. Sadly, he lived only ten years and died suddenly on June 4, 1819 when he fell off a runaway horse. The journal of Rev. Joseph P. HOWE, pastor to the SIMPSONs, notes: "Sat. June 5, 1819 at Andrew SIMPSON's on Mathew XXIV.44 - the funeral of his son about 10 years old who was killed by a fall from a horse who ran away with him." Joseph is buried very near his parents in the churchyard.
Evelina Belmont Simpson
About 1811/13 - After1850
The first name of this SIMPSON daughter has been spelled in various ways - Evelina, Evaline, and Eveline. All three versions can be found in recorded documents. Her middle name is revealed in Montgomery County Records Book No. 1 and in the first Session book of the Springfield Presbyterian Church.
Evelina's birth year is very difficult to establish. Conflicting census data, the only sources remaining, don't settle the issue. In the 1810 census of Montgomery Co., in the household of her father, there were two little girls in age category "under 10." One would be Mary, and possibly the other was Evelina. In 1820, the two girls were ages 10 - 15 inclusive. In 1830, there was a female age 15 - 19. If this was Evelina, her birth year could be as early as 1811. In 1840 her age was 30 - 39 years. In 1850 she was recorded as being age. 37. These numbers translate to a birth year of 1811 or 1813.
The year of her marriage is given as "before 1828" in Record Book No. 1, and the groom was "Ed OWINGS." He was Edward Cockey OWINGS, b. 1802, son of Elihu OWINGS of Baltimore Co., Maryland and Mary Ravillon HALL of Bourbon Co., Kentucky. The 1840 census describes Edward as age 30 - 39. There is one male child age 5 - 9.
On May 7, 1844, in Montgomery Co. Deeds and Mortgages bk. 21, pg. 54, there was recorded a deed from Edward C. and Evelina B. OWINGS selling all their interests in her inheritance from her father, for $3000, to her brother Thomas of Sangamon Co., Illinois and her brother-in-law Joseph STEPHENS (husband of Mary SIMPSON) of Bath County. The county Clerk wrote her name as "Evelina."
Edward OWINGS was visited by the Rev. R. F. CALDWELL of the Springfield Church on Oct. 23, 1844. Edward, "who was very low in health, not expecting to live,” requested and received, after a full discussion of religion, baptism and communion in the church. He died Oct. 29, 1844.
Evelina received "dismission” from the church Feb. 13, 1848. The reason is not given but was regularly granted when the member was moving. These events were recorded in the first Session Book of the Springfield Presbyterian Church. The book was rescued from a fire and a typewritten copy is in the Mt. Sterling Library. In the 1850 census, she was listed in the census for Memphis, Tennessee, in the household of George W. and Emily SIMPSON COONS (her sister). Her name was recorded as "Eve OWEN" and her age was 37 years, born in Kentucky. Nothing further is known about Evelina.
Emily Simpson1815 - Before 1860
The only genuine proof of Emily's place in the family can be found in the documents settling her father's estate in which she is named as a surviving child of Andrew and Jane. All other evidence is drawn from census data and can be regarded as only approximate.
Emily was born about 1815 in Bath Co., the seventh child. Before 1839, she married George W. COONS, a Presbyterian minister and native Kentuckian. While in Kentucky, they had daughters Victoria, born about 1839, and Eva, born about 1842. When the May 7, 1844 document concerning Andrew's estate was drawn up, bk. 21, pg. 71, selling a tract of land on Blue Lick Road in Montgomery Co., Emily and George were represented by Eliza's husband, Robert CALDWELL, and all members were described as "now of the county of Montgomery." However, Thomas is also included in the group and he had moved to Illinois in 1835. By Jan. 29, 1846, in a deed recorded in bk. 28, pg. 157, Emily and George were described as "of Memphis, Tennessee." They were joining her mother Jane SIMPSON, Joseph STEPHENS (Mary's husband), Frances Jane SIMPSON and Thomas SIMPSON in selling 174 acres on the Hingston Fork for $30 per acre.
The 1850 census for Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee found the COONS family in household no. 538. George was described as age 40, an OSP clergyman, born in Kentucky, with real property of $3500 value. Emily was 35, with two daughters, Victoria age 11, and Eva age 8. With them was "Eve OWEN," age 37, born in Kentucky, undoubtedly Emily's sister Evelina OWINGS.
Emily seems to have died within the next decade and nothing further is known about her. In the 1860 census of Maysville, Mason Co., Kentucky, George had married Bettie ___, age 33, born in Kentucky. Eva COONS, age 18, is with them but Victoria is not. By the time the 1880 census of Falmouth, Pendleton Co., Kentucky, was taken, Eva was living there married to Charles DUNCAN, a lawyer and solicitor general, born in Kentucky. She was 38 and he was 47. With them were George and Bettie COONS, ages 72 and 52 respectively. There were also three granddaughters of Emily whom she never knew: Emily age 10, Eva age 7, and Bettie age 6.
James M. Simpson1818 - 1875
The birth year for James M. SIMPSON was 1818, noted on his tombstone. He grew up to become a livery-keeper. As a young man he went to Augusta, Georgia and on Dec. 22, 1840 he married Mary A. MEALING. Mary was born in Georgia about 1824/5.
By June 15, 1841, James and Mary had come back to Montgomery Co., Kentucky. On that date, Andrew had made an indenture to James, who was only age 23, for $1, conveying 500 acres "to be laid off the East End of the plantation on which I now reside to include the Mansion house, Stabels, and other buildings appurtenant thereto by a line as near a North and South line as may be made, so as to include said house and buildings--also the following slaves, to wit: Hariett about Seventeen years old, and her two children. Albert about thirty years old. Sanford about twenty years old. Wesley about twenty two Years old. George about twenty-six Years old. Cain about nineteen Years old and Edd about fourteen Years old; also all of my stock of Horses, Hogs, Sheep and Cattle, also my present growing crop of corn." Conveyed to James and heirs were "the above and foregoing described lands, slaves and other property to his and their own proper use and behoof." Attesting this document were G. W. THOMAS and Wm. J. MEALING. This deed is recorded in bk. 20, pg. 80 of the Deeds and Mortgages books in Mt. Sterling, Montgomery Co. On May 14, 1841, bk. 19, pg. 345, James had sworn the following: "James M. SIMPSON made Oath before me as Justice of the Peace for Montgomery County, that he brought from the State of Georgia, two Slaves named Susan and John which slaves came to him by marriage. Given under my hand this 14th day of May 1841." Signed S. G. MILLSPAUGH. James HOWARD, Clerk of the County Court, also certified that the certificate of oath was presented to him for recording on that day.
James did not own his handsome estate for very long. On Jan. 22, 1842, only two weeks after his father's death, he sold all the land, buildings, animals and crop to his brother Thomas and brother-in-law Joseph STEPHENS for $9000. The sale is recorded in bk. 20, pg. 81. Nothing is mentioned of the slaves. Thomas could not have taken them to Illinois which was a free state. What happened to them is not known.
By census time in 1850, James and Mary were back in Richmond Co., Georgia, he age 32, she 25. He had again become a livery stable keeper. They cannot be located in the 1860 census. It was reported by James' nephew, Hamilton SIMPSON of Christian Co., Illinois, that James came to Illinois to live with his nephew Andrew SIMPSON in Taylorville, Christian Co., Illinois and died in his home on Jan. 26, 1875. He is buried in Anderson Cemetery, near Palmer, Christian Co., along with many SIMPSONs, including brother Thomas. He died childless.
Frances Jane Simpson
1822 - 1872
Frances SIMPSON was the ninth and last child of Andrew and Jane. She, too, grew up on the plantation, and after her father's death in 1842, moved with her mother into Sharpsburg, Bath Co. nearby. In the Session Book of her parents' church, it is recorded that Frances, on Aug. 31, 1840, was received into the church, was found to be "born again," and was baptized a Presbyterian. In the 1850 census, she was listed in her mother's household, Frances' age given as 28. She had sold all her interests in her father's estate.
By 1851 or early 1852, Frances had married Thomas Alexander SIMPSON, b. May 22, 1822 in Sharpsburg. He was her first cousin. Thomas was the son of William Jamieson SIMPSON, brother to Frances' mother, Jane (SIMPSON) SIMPSON. Thomas and Frances began their married life in Sharpsburg and had only one child, a daughter stillborn Mar. 1, 1853, recorded in Bath Co. Thomas said in 1890 that Jane lived with them until her death in 1854.
Thomas was a very skilled trader in fine horses and mules, a profession which he had honed since boyhood, working in Kentucky, in Augusta, Georgia with his Uncle James SIMPSON, in Putnam Co., Indiana with his BADGER relatives, and back home again in Kentucky. By 1860, he and Frances had moved to Pleasant Hill, Cass Co., Missouri. He had set up a livery stable there trading in fine horses. Because of his sympathies with the South, his business was harassed and he felt it necessary to go back to Kentucky during the Civil War. While there he supplied the Southern Army with mules. He and Frances lived in the large household of Charles and James GUDGELL in Sharpsburg. These two brothers had become entrusted to Thomas' care by their father, Joseph GUDGELL of Bath Co., a longtime friend and sometime business partner, who died in Sharpsburg May 13, 1864.
Soon after the 1870 census, Thomas and Frances moved back to Pleasant Hill, Missouri and he resumed raising stock. Frances died in 1872 and is buried in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. She didn't live to know that her husband would become internationally famous as a genius at breeding Hereford cattle, as a partner in the firm of GUDGELL and SIMPSON, and would become a very wealthy man. Thomas never remarried and joined her in death on Jan. 4, 1904.
This report is offered in no way as a finished genealogical product. Too many records were destroyed in critical years to make it possible. It is a summary of what can be gathered, and presented with hopes that it will provide a framework of clues for others interested in this family--perhaps descendants. I would be happy to hear from anyone at: foxallen@iland.net.
Walking to Iowa
A Family Tradition of the Journey from Guilford Co., North Carolina to Iowa
Margaret E. Rambo, 1154 South Oak, Hillsboro, IL 62049-2027
William and Nancy (PRICE) SIMPSON left Guilford County; North Carolina circa 1834 and settled in Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana. Three sons, John Wesley, Robert Drury, and Nathaniel M. SIMPSON came with them, as did William’s brother, John SIMPSON and other PRICE family.
John Wesley and Robert Drury went to Iowa to purchase land. With only one horse between them, they devised a plan for traveling the long journey. One man would ride the horse to a distance ahead, then tether the horse and walk on. The brother, who had been walking, would reach the tethered horse, and he would ride on ahead and again tether the horse, proceeding to walk on towards their destination. They followed this procedure all the way to Iowa. In this manner, both men would get a rest, as did the tethered horse.
Upon their arrival in Iowa, they purchased land and built a log cabin in Hardin County, Iowa. In the winter, the two men returned to Indiana. The trip back to Iowa was made in the spring, following the same traveling procedure so the land could be improved, in the three years of 1852, 53, and 1854. The William SIMPSON family moved to Iowa in wagons and driving a herd of cattle with them, in 1855. John Wesley and Robert Drury had sold the cabin they had built, and part of the land to Hugh JOHNSON in 1856.
William SIMPSON purchased land in Jackson Township, Hardin County, Iowa, but was dubious if it contained enough timber, thereby, was given the name of “Timber” SIMPSON. He and his sons improved that land and built a home
John SIMPSON, William’s brother and some of the PRICE family remained in Indiana.
Sara L. Simpson has retired after 32 years of teaching music in public schools of Illinois. She taught band, chorus and general music for 23 years and was also a high school choir director for 30 years. Ms. Simpson received a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois and a Master of Music degree in clarinet performance from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Her name appears in the year 2000 and 2005 editions of Who’s Who among America’s Teachers. Sara is very happy to have more time now for visits with family, golf and genealogy.