Two Simpson Lines
Sherrill’s Ford and Union County, North Carolina
By Donna Simpson Waldo, 1085 Jenkins Branch Lane, Mount Ulla, NC 28125
Sherrill’s Ford and Union County, North Carolina
By Donna Simpson Waldo, 1085 Jenkins Branch Lane, Mount Ulla, NC 28125
I have SIMPSONs on two sides of my family, on my maternal grandfather’s side and also on my paternal grandfather’s side:
My maternal grandfather’s side goes back to Sara SIMPSON of Sherrill’s Ford North Carolina
My Grandfather: Robert DAY
His Father: Ira K DAY
His father: Robert Franklin DAY
His Father: Julius DAY (Civil War Soldier) married to Sarah Louisa SHERRILL (of Sherrill’s Ford North Carolina)
Her Father was: Michael SHERRILL
His father was Moses SHERRILL married to Sarah SIMPSON b 1750 d 1831
Her father was: William SIMPSON married to Avarilla PERKINS (which it my understanding the PERKINS came down with the SIMPSONs and SHERRILLs from Maryland to settle here in Sherrill’s Ford North Carolina)
His father was William SIMPSON married to Elizabeth PREBLE
This side is pretty well documented in the Sherrill’s Ford Library.
I have very little info on my paternal grandfathers side, his side goes back to an Isaac SIMPSON in Union County North Carolina in 1797. I have dates that I have collected from records in Union County Library but I have no information on the people themselves.
My grandfather: Paul Wayne SIMPSON b 1922 d 2005 Union County North Carolina
His parents : Oscar Feree SIMPSON b 1894 Union County North Carolina d 1974 married to Lola ELLIOT b 1898 Laurinburg North Carolina d 1985 Union County North Carolina
His Parents: William L SIMPSON b 1854 d 1939 Union County North Carolina married to Angaline A. HELMS b 1865 d 1940 Union County North Carolina
His parents: Evan A SIMPSON b 1822 d 1876 Union County married to Zelphia WINCHESTER b 1826 d 1908 Union County North Carolina
His parents: Isaac SIMPSON b 1797 d 1886 (I think Union Country) married to Matilda McKOY b 1799 d?
There seems to be a lot of SIMPSONs in the Union County area but I cannot connect Isaac to anyone.
I have to believe somehow that the Sherrill’s Ford North Carolina, SIMPSONs and the Union County North Carolina SIMPSONs have to be connected because of the time period they all show up in North Carolina
If anyone has any info that would be helpful I would be extremely grateful.
William Simpson and Clara Riley Descendants
England, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri & Wyoming
By Sally King, 1935 Zinnia St., Golden, CO 80401
William SIMPSON born about 1841 in Canada (parents from England); married about 1852 in Pennsylvania to Clara RILEY (In 1920 census, Minnie recorded that Clara was born in Kentucky, her mother was Elizabeth RILEY from England. They were the parents of the following:England, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri & Wyoming
By Sally King, 1935 Zinnia St., Golden, CO 80401
Elizabeth (Minnie) SIMPSON born about 1869 Illinois; married about 1860 Scotland to James L. McDONALD in Missouri. He was born about 1860 in Scotland and resided in Macon Co., Missouri. They had children: Clara McDONALD born 1890 and Montgomery McDONALD born about 1888. She married second to a GAVES of Clarence, Missouri.
Joseph C. SIMPSON born about 1871 in Illinois
Oscar J. SIMPSON born about 1873 in Streator, Illinois (in Kemmerer in 1942)
John Leroy SIMPSON born 27 September 1875 in Streator, Illinois; died 17 September 1942 (67); married 22 November 1905 Deitz, Wyoming to Sarah Harriet GRIFFITH(S) He was a member of the Spanish America War Veterans. Sarah married second to James E. OLDHAM on 18 March 1945 in Hastings, Nebraska.
William H. SIMPSON born April 1980
Edgar SIMPSON of Oakland, California, He was noted as a brother in John’s obituary. An Edward SIMPSON was present in on a wedding license and picture but didn’t appear in the 1880 census.
The children of John Leroy SIMPSON were:
Agnes Dorothy SIMPSON born 26 December 1906 in Kemmerer, Wyoming; died 14 July 1986 in Holdredge, Nebraska.; married 12 June 1930 Denver, Colorado to Earl Elmer FLANAGAN born 8 November 1905, d. 22 February 1975 Denver, Colorado
Robert Leroy SIMPSON born 12 July 1908 in Sheridan, Wyoming, d. 24 August 1931 Laramie, Wyoming at age 23.
Simpson’s of Charles County, Maryland
By Michael Johnson, 2712 Ellicott Dr., Chester, MD 21619, e-mail:
My wife’s SIMPSON ancestor, her 5th great-grandfather, is John Lawrence SIMPSON (1762-1843) of Charles County, Maryland. He was a Planter and a Revolutionary War Veteran. I believe that he is a descendant of Thomas SIMPSON (born c1630) and Elizabeth CLARK of Charles County, but have not been able to prove a connection.
Descendants of John Lawrence Simpson
Generation No. 1
1. JOHN LAWRENCE1 SIMPSON was born 1762 in Maryland1, and died 02 February 1843 in Charles County, Maryland2. He married SARAH CARRICO 1799 in Charles County, Maryland. She was born 1765 in Maryland3, and died 13 August 1853 in Charles County, Maryland(4).
2. i. MARY ANN2 SIMPSON, b. Abt. 1805, Charles County, Maryland; d. Aft. 1850, Maryland or Washington, D.C.
Generation No. 2
2. MARY ANN2 SIMPSON (JOHN LAWRENCE1)5 was born Abt. 1805 in Charles County, Maryland, and died Aft. 1850 in Maryland or Washington, D.C. She married (1) JOHN WOOD5 28 May 1821 in Mattawoman, Charles County, Maryland5, son of UNKNOWN WOOD. He was born Bet. 1790 - 1800 in Maryland, and died Bet. 1836 - 1840 in Charles County, Maryland. She married (2) PETER W. BURK 5 19 May 1846 in Mattawoman, Charles County, Maryland(5).
Children of MARY SIMPSON and JOHN WOOD are:
i. SARAH ANN3 WOOD5, b. 06 May 18225.
ii. HENRY THOMAS WOOD5, b. 02 May 18245; d. Bef. 1836.
iii. MARY JANE WOOD5, b. 16 October 18265.
iv. ALEXIOUS ALEXANDER "L.A." WOOD6,7, b. 18 February 1827, probably Charles County, Maryland8,9; d. 14 October 1907, Washington, D.C.; m. MARY A. BLUMER 10; b. Bet. 1839 - 1841, Maryland10; d. Bef. 1880, Washington, D.C.
v. WILLIAM HENRY WOOD11, b. 18 July 1829, Hughsville, Charles County, Maryland11; m. MARY ANN SOTHORON/BURROUGHS, 21 January 1852, St. Mary's County, Maryland; b. Abt. 1833, St. Mary's County, Maryland.
vii. JOHN RICHARD WOOD11, b. 20 March 183711.
1. Revolutionary War Pension Application of December 1819.
2. Widows Revolutionary War Pension Application - February 1853.
3. Judicial Court Records for St. Mary's County, Maryland, March 1821.
4. Widows Revolutionary War Pension Application by daughter - December 1853.
5. Records of the Congregations of Upper & Lower Zachian, Mattawoman, and St. Mary's (Bryantown), 1793-1861.
6. 1860 Census - Washington, D.C.
7. Records of the Congregations of Upper & Lower Zachian, Mattawoman, and St. Mary's (Bryantown), 1793-1861.
8. 1860 Census - Washington, D.C.
9. Records of the Congregations of Upper & Lower Zachian, Mattawoman, and St. Mary's (Bryantown), 1793-1861.
10. 1860 Census - Washington, D.C.
11. Records of the Congregations of Upper & Lower Zachian, Mattawoman, and St. Mary's (Bryantown), 1793-1861.
Listed in Revolutionary War records. Lawrence SIMPSON was enlisted into service in 1780 and was on the Muster and Payroll for the 6th Company, 3rd Regiment in 1781, the 4th Company, 4th Battalion in 1782 and back in the 3rd Company in 1783. He was discharged on 29 November 1783.
Lawrence SIMPSON of Charles Co., in the State of Maryland, Who was a private in the Regiment, Commanded by Colonel Stewart of the Maryland Line for the term of three years Inscribed in the Roll of Maryland At the rate of 8 dollars per month, to commence on The 17th of December 1819 Certificate of Pension issued the 1st of April 18?? And sent to pensioner at Benedict, Charles Co. Arrears to the 4th of Mar. 1820 $20.90 Semi-anl. all’ce ending 4 Sep 1820 48. $68.90Ed. Note: An outstanding source for Simpsons of Charles Co., Maryland is Charles A. Heavrin, 4832 Rolling Fields, Memphis, TN 38128. He wrote and published a book Simon’s Sons: Some Simpson Family Ancestors in 1995, revised in 1996.
On this 17th day of December 1819, before me, the subscriber, one of the Judges of the First Judicial District of Maryland for the said District, personally appeared, Lawrence SIMPSON, age fifty seven years, resident in Charles County in the said district, who, being by me first duly sworn, according to law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the provision made by the late act of Congress, entitled, “An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war:” that he, the said Lawrence SIMPSON enlisted for the term of three years on the day of May in the year 1780 in the State of Maryland in the Company commanded by Captain WATERS of the 3rd Regiment of the Regiment commanded by Colonel John STEWART in the line of the State of Maryland on the Continental Establishment; that he continued to serve in the said Corps or in the service in the United States until October 1783, when he was discharged from service at Frederick Town state of Maryland That he was at the battles of the siege of Little York, Virginia; at Ashby Mills under General G??ss when he ???? gall??? was captured from the British And that he is in reduced circumstances, and stands in the need of assistance of his country for support; And that he has no other evidence now in his power, of his said services.
Sworn to and declared before me, the day and year aforesaid,
I, ______________J. R. PLATER_____________ Judge, as aforesaid, to certify that it appears to my satisfaction, that the said Lawrence SIMPSON, did serve in the revolutionary war, as stated in the previous declaration, against the common enemy, for the term of nine months at one time, on the continental establishment; and I now transmit the precedings and testimony taken and had before me, to the Secretary for the Department of War, pursuant to the directions of the aforementioned Act of Congress. I am also satisfied that he need the assistance of his country for support.
Dec. 17th 1819 J.R. PLATER
The First Judicial District of Maryland composed of the counties of Saint Mary’s, Charles, and Prince Georges
On this 23rd day of March 1821, personally appeared in open court being a court of records with unlimited jurisdiction points of amount with a power to fine and imprison, Lawrence SIMPSON, a revolutionary soldier of Charles County, Maryland age about fifty-eight years and resident in the county and state aforesaid, in the First Judicial District, who being first duly sworn according to the law, doth declare on his oath that he served in the revolutionary war as follows. That he enlisted on or about the month of May 1780 under Lieutenant Francis WAR in the 3rd Maryland Regiment at that time he believes commanded by Colonel GUEST for six months at the expiration of the six months he reenlisted for three years and served to the end of the war. That he was at the siege of York and Ashby Mills South Carolina and that he was discharged at Frederick Town Maryland at the end of the war. He is indigent in circumstances and unable to support himself without the assistance of country and I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled “an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war,” passed on the 18th day of March 1818, and that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property, securities, contracts, or debts due to me, nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereunto annexed and by me subscribed. Schedule of property necessary bedding and clothing excepted: 1 small pair of steers, 1 old cart, 1 old mare, 1 old cow, 1 yearling, 3 hogs valued at $50.
That he receives from the state of Maryland the sum of $40. That his family consist of a wife aged about 56 years infirm and helpless, and a daughter 17 years old. Acept his occupation is that of a planter, but his infirmities are such as almost renders him incapable of working. The date of his original certificate is the 17th day of December 1819 and the number of his pension certificate is (16627)
Sworn to and declared on the 23rd day of March 1821 in open court
John BARNES, Clk of Charles County Courts, District of Columbia, County of Washington
Sarah SIMPSON of Charles County, in the State of Maryland being duly sworn according to the law, on her oath makes the following declaration, for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of the Act of Congress 29th July 1848, to wit, that she is the widow of Lawrence SIMPSON, late of Charles County, Maryland, who, was in his lifetime, a Revolutionary Pensioner. That she was married to the said Lawrence SIMPSON in said Charles County in the year 1799, as she believes she does not recollect the exact day. It was however, prior to the first day of January 1800. She further states that the said Lawrence SIMPSON died on the 2nd day of February 1843, leaving this declarant his widow. That she has not again married, but still remains the widow of the said Lawrence SIMPSON, deceased.
Sworn to and subscribed before the undersigned this 7th day of July 1852.
B. MITHUNE, Justice of the Peace for the County of Washington, in the District of Columbia
District of Columbia, Washington County
On this 7th day of July 1852, personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace, in and for the county aforesaid, Peter BURK, and made oath on the Holy evangel of the Almighty God, that he is personally acquainted with the above named Sarah SIMPSON, and knows her to be the widow of Lawrence SIMPSON. Was personally well acquainted with the dec’d.
District of Columbia
County of Washington
On the 12th day of December 1853, personally appeared before me, Sam GRUBB, a Justice of the Peace duly authorized & commissioned to act as such in said county, Mary BURK, a resident of the County of Charles, in the State of Maryland, age 52 years, who first being duly sworn according to the laws, doth, on her oath, make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provision of the law of the United States passed 3rd March 1843 that she is the only child of Sarah SIMPSON the widow of the identical Lawrence SIMPSON who was a Revolutionary Pensioner in the said Charles County under Act of 1818 at $96 per annum for the Rev. services in the Maryland Line, that the said Sarah SIMPSON was married to the said Lawrence SIMPSON in the said Charles County on the ______ day of __________ In the year seventeen hundred and ninety eight, that her said husband, the aforesaid Lawrence SIMPSON, died on the second day of February eighteen hundred & forty three, that the said widow, the aforesaid Sarah SIMPSON, died on the 13th day of August (1853) eighteen hundred & fifty three in consequence of old age. That the maiden name of the said Sarah SIMPSON was Sarah CARRICO, that she was the only child born of the said Lawrence & Sarah SIMPSON. That she makes this application for the purpose of obtaining the Revolutionary Pension due her deceased mother under the Act of Congress.
Sworn to & subscribed this 12th day of December 1853 before me Saml GRUBB Justice of the Peace
In 1836, he made a Deed of Trust with his son-in-law: "At the request of John WOOD the following Deed of Trust was recorded this 23rd day of May Anno Domini 1836.
This Indenture made this twenty third day of May Anno Domini eighteen hundred and thirty six between John L. SIMPSON or sometimes called Lawrence SIMPSON of Charles County in the State of Maryland of the one part and John WOOD of Charles County and the State of Maryland of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Lawrence SIMPSON for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath given granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth give grant bargain and sell unto the said John WOOD his heirs and assigns all thos several tracts, parts of tracts or parcels of land called and generally known by the name of Motts Advantage or by whatsover name the same may be called containing forty three acres of land more or less being all that tract of land conveyed by Reazin SMOOT to John L. SIMPSON by a deed which is recorded amongst the land record of Charles County of by whatever name the same may be called and also all my personal estate consisting of eight beds, beds leads, and furniture, one yoke of Oxen and one yoke of Bulls, one cow, and two yearlings, three draft horses and one colt, four tables, one chest of drawers, one desk and other household and kitchen furniture, one ox cart, and cart wheels, four ploughs and twelve hoes and one negro woman named Henny aged about forty years of age unto the said John WOOD his heirs and assigns forever in trust to and for the uses intents and purposes, that is to say, in trust for the use of the said John L. SIMPSON of Charles County and Sarah SIMPSON wife of the said John L. SIMPSON for and during their join and natural lives and the life of the survivor of them without impeachment of or for any manner of waste and after the death of the said John L. SIMPSON and Sarah SIMPSON his wife to have and to hold the same for the use of Mary WOOD, wife of the said John WOOD and after her death then to have and to hold the said tracts or parcels of land to Alexius A. WOOD, William H. WOOD, and George W. WOOD to them and their heirs forever reserving to Sarah Ann E. WOOD and Mary WOOD daughters of the said John WOOD and Mary WOOD single life estates in the same and to have and to hold the rest and residue of said personal estate to be equally divided between the said Sarah Ann E. WOOD, Mary WOOD, Alexius A. WOOD, William H. WOOD and George Washington WOOD, in case of the death of either of said children before they arrive to the age of twenty one or without issues of their bodies, then their share or proportion of said real and personal estate shall immediately discend to the other brothers and sister. In Witness, whereof the said John Lawrence SIMPSON hath both signed and sealed this instrument of writing the day and year first herein before written.
Signed sealed and delivered John Lawrence SIMPSON in the presence of
Charles M. CANN, Francis NALLY
At the foot of the aforegoing Deed of Trust is thus written. Maryland, Charles County To Wit. on this twenty third day of May in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty six, John L. SIMPSON party grantor mentioned in the aforegoing deed or instrument of writing personally appears before us two Justices of the Peace in and for Charles County, and acknowledges the said deed or instrument of writing to be his act and deed and the land and premises therein mentioned and other personal property thereby bargained and sold to be the right and estate of John WOOD, the party grantee, thereing mentioned his heirs and assigns forever according to the purport true intent and meaning of said deed or instrument of writin and the acts of assembly in such case made and provided and we further certify that we are satisfied of our own personal knowledge that the said John L. SIMPSON who has signed the aforegoing deed and acknowledges the same to be his act and deed is the identical John L. SIMPSON profusing to be the party grantor in the aforegoing deed or instrument of writing acknowledged before.
Charles M. CANN
Francis NALLY
Source: Year: 1830; Census Place: Bryantown, Charles, Maryland; Roll: 56; Page: 167.
1830 Bryantown, Charles County, Maryland
Lawr. SIMPSON 2100010001000 0110200010000
two males under age 5 - Alexius Alexander and William Henry WOOD
one male age 5-10 - Henry Thomas WOOD
one male age 30-40 - John WOOD
one male age 70-80 - John Lawrence SIMPSON
one female age 5-10, Sarah Ann WOOD
one female age 10-15 - unknown
two females age 20-30 - Mary Ann (SIMPSON) WOOD and unknown
one female age 60-70 - Sarah (CARRICO) SIMPSON
Source: Year: 1840; Census Place: District 4, Charles, Maryland; Roll: 163; Page: 157.
1840 District 4, Charles County, Maryland
Jno L. A. SIMPSON 1120000000100 0100010001000
one male under age 5 - John Richard WOOD
one male age 5-10 - George Washington WOOD
two males age 10-15 - Alexius Alexander and William Henry WOOD
one male age 80-90 - John Lawrence SIMPSONone female age 5-10 -
one female age 30-40 - Mary Ann (SIMPSON) Woodone female age 70-80 - Sarah (CARRICO) SIMPSON
Source: Year: 1850; Census Place: Bryantown, Charles, Maryland; Roll: M432_290; Page: 283; Image: 566.
1850 Bryantown District, Charles County, Maryland
Mary BURK, 45, f, b Md
Peter BURK, 30, m, laborer, b Md
Richard, 13, m, b Md
James, 6, m, b Md

Mary Jane Whitten and Thomas Carey Simpson (above)
Thomas Carey Simpson is the son of Thomas Simpson and Nancy Moreland
Photo (above) of unknown couple, framed with a page of the Oregon County, Missouri newspaper dated 1873.
The photo above is owned by Carole Fowler of Arkansas, descendant of Joseph Simpson, son of Peter Ryan Simpson of Cannon Co., Tennessee. The editor of this newsletter descends from Peter R. Simpson and believes that the unknown couple in the photo may be Thomas Simpson and his second wife Joanna Warren of Oregon Co., Missouri. Thomas was an older brother of Carole's Joseph Simpson of Arkansas. It's possible that this photo is Sarah Simpson, daughter of Thomas Simpson and her husband Gilbert Williams. This couple moved from Tennessee to Missouri with Thomas Simpson and Nancy Moreland in about 1853. Sarah would be the niece of Joseph Simpson of Madison Co., Arkansas.

Joseph Simpson, son of Peter Ryan Simpson
Brother of Thomas Simpson
Photo provided by Carole Fowler of Arkansas
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