Friday, February 15, 2013

The Simpson Clan, Volume XVI, Issue 2, ll 2000

Simpson Related Compton or Crumpton Family
November 2000 – by Don Simpson

There is a marriage bond in Rockingham Co., North Carolina, for Thomas CRUMPTON to Senah SIMPSON, dated 17 December, 1800, with Samuel KING as bondsman. I have previously suggested that Senah could have been a daughter of Thomas & Mary (KNIGHT) SIMPSON of the Haw River Simpsons. I still do not have proof of this relationship but the following data support that guess.

1. Census & Marriage Records.
Nona has forwarded to me information sent her by others that suggests Thomas & Senah (SIMPSON) CRUMPTON may be the COMPTONs listed on the early censuses of Howard & Johnson Cos., Missouri. The 1830 census of Howard Co., Missouri, lists on p. 140 a Thomas COMPTON (oldest male & female in household are ages 40-50), on p. 142 a Jourden COMPTON (1 M & 1 F ages 20-30), and on p. 161 another Thomas COMPTON (1 M & 1 F ages 20-30 and 1 M & 1F ages under 5) On the 1840 census in Johnson Co., Missouri, was listed a Sinai COMPTON, age 50-60, and near her (pp. 128 & 9) a John J. COMPTON and a Thomas S. COMPTON, both age 30-40. On the 1850 census of Johnson County was Thomas S. CUMPTON, age 45, born Tennessee, wife, Polly, 42, born Kentucky., and 10 children, ages 4 to 22, all born Missouri; and on the following page was William B. (or E.?) CUMPTON, age 27, wife, Martha A., age 17, and daughter, Margaret E., age 1. The presence in Howard and Johnson Cos., Missouri, at the same time as the Thomas & Mary (KNIGHT) SIMPSON family suggests these could be the Thomas & Senah CUMPTON / CRUMPTON of Rockingham Co., North Carolina.

Marriage records of Howard Co., Missouri, have the following: Littleton WEST to Faraba COMPTON, 7 September, 1826; Thomas COMPTON to Mary STEPP, 28 September, 1826; Jurden COMPTON to Hannah ANDERSON, February, 1829; and Simon COMPTON to Ellen FRUMAN, 3 January, 1833. Johnson Co., Missouri, marriage records have: Alford WOOLIVER to Sinai COMPTON, 17 May, 1835; James PATTERSON to Polly COMPTON 31 October, 1839; and William E. COMPTON to Martha Ann HARRIS, 21 September, 1848.

2. Before Missouri.
The 1850 census entry for Thomas S. CUMPTON / COMPTON, as mentioned above, suggests the COMPTON family was probably in Tennessee much earlier than the Thomas SIMPSON family. We know that Peter Ryan SIMPSON and his brother-in-law, Daniel GOUGH, were in Wilson Co., Tennessee, as early as 1807 when they were listed on the tax list for Capt. ROSEBOROUGH’s District. They were probably there in 1806 as Peter was listed in the same district although Daniel was not. Is it possible they were part of a larger group who moved to Tennessee soon after 1800, perhaps including the COMPTONs? Thomas COMPTON / CRUMPTON is not listed on those early tax lists of Wilson County. However, there was a Thomas COMPTON listed on the 1805 tax list of Anderson Co., Tennessee, but not there at the 1808 listing.

3. The Children’s Families.
On the 1830 census, Littleton WEST was in Howard County, Missouri. By the 1840 census he was in

Tebo Township of Henry County and by 1850 was in Jefferson Twp. of Johnson County. He was listed then as age 45, born Kentucky., with wife Sarah, age 43, born Tennessee, and several children. It is not clear whether “Sarah” is a second wife or a miswriting of Faraba, but the birth date and place suggest this could be Faraba. Neither Littleton nor “Sarah” are found on the 1860 or later censuses and it appears their home place was occupied by their younger son, William, while two other sons are found to have moved to other counties of Missouri, and one, Lindsey WEST, had moved to Maricopa County, California.

In 1850 Thomas S. & Mary (STEPP) COMPTON were in Post Oak Twp. of Johnson County. Thomas & Mary (KNIGHT) SIMPSON are buried in Post Oak twp., which is joined on the east by Jefferson Twp., and on the south by Tebo Twp. of Henry County. Also in Post Oak Twp. in 1850 were William B. CUMPTON & family and James & Mary (COMPTON) PATTERSON. Thus the COMPTONs and most of their children continued to be in the same area as the SIMPSONs until the 1850 census.

Alfred WOOLIVER & family were in Bates Co., Missouri, in 1850 and his wife listed there was Mary, apparently a recent second marriage. The Bates County  marriages from that period are lost so it is not possible to check for that marriage.

From this meager evidence it appears that only a few of the children of Thomas & Senah COMPTON survived to the 1850 census. Of those who survived, I have not been able to trace any of them to the 1880 census to learn what was listed for their parents’ birthplace. Thus the identification of this family remains only tentative, but their presence in 1850 in the same township where Thomas & Mary (KNIGHT) SIMPSON are buried does lend support to the assumption that this was the family of Thomas & Senah (SIMPSON) CRUMPTON/COMPTON of Rockingham Co., North Carolina.

A Gough & Crumpton Record of Guilford Co., North Carolina
Nov., 2000 - by Don Simpson

Recently while reading Guilford Court Minutes (Book for 1796 - 1811, p. 280; February term, 1804) I found an entry which seems to pose a puzzle. It reads as follows. “Ordered that Betsy CRUMPTON aged three years last August be bound to Samuel GOUGH until she arrives to full age and he is to learn her to read and write & give her two suits of clothes, wheel & cards as freedom dues.” The provision to provide clothes, a spinning wheel and wool cards for processing wool was standard in most court out bindings of orphan girls of that time. This record does not say she was an orphan but most such bindings occurred after a parent, usually the father, had died.

Samuel GOUGH was a son of Stephen & Jean (PRICE) GOUGH, and had been married in 1801 to Eleanor, daughter of Richard & Selah SIMPSON. I have seen no record of any connection between the GOUGH family and any of the CROMPTONs. However, there was a marriage in Rockingham County in 1800 between Thomas CRUMPTON and a Senah SIMPSON. I have long assumed this Senah to have been one of the younger daughters of Thomas & Mary (KNIGHT) SIMPSON but have no proof of that. If that assumption is correct then Senah was first cousin to Samuel GOUGH’s wife, Eleanor. However, there is no proof that the Betsy CRUMPTON of the court record was related to Thomas & Senah (SIMPSON) CRUMPTON.

Samuel GOUGH was listed on the 1810 census in Guilford County and also on the 1815 tax list. By the census of 1820 the Samuel GOUGH family was in Stokes County and Samuel & Eleanor were still there at the 1850 census. A search was done of marriage records in Guilford, Rockingham, Surry and Stokes Counties, North Carolina, but without finding any for a Betsy or Elizabeth CRUMPTON. Given that she was three years old in August, 1803, she would have been of marriageable age by 1818. No other record of Betsy CRUMPTON is known to me at present.  I am inclined to think at this time that she was probably not a daughter of Thomas & Senah (SIMPSON) CRUMPTON.

A 1909 Letter from Emily J. Simpson
Nov., 2000 - by Don Simpson

In September of this year, Carl Simpson of New Mexico sent me a copy of a letter that is of special interest to descendants of those Haw River Simpsons who removed to Grant & Pendleton Counties, Kentucky. Carl introduced the letter by writing the following.

“I was going thru my pile of papers and found something that I’ve had for about 20 years. It is the last two pages of a letter from Emily J. SIMPSON, written to my great grandfather, W. H. SIMPSON. I had borrowed the letter from my great aunt, Mabelle Lobban, a daughter of W. H. ....... At the time, it didn’t make much sense to me, but now I see that Emily was a sister to Warren DILWORTH, married a STONER, and then married Green SIMPSON, whom I think you said was closely related to you. The letter was probably written about 1909, because early in that year is when W. H. moved from the farm in Texas into town at Clovis, New Mexico. Unfortunately, my great aunt didn’t have the first 2 pages of the letter.”
Carl is right about the identity of Emily. She was a daughter of Lindsey & Sarah (SIMPSON) DILWORTH, and was married first on 11 September, 1864, in Gage Co., Nebraska, to William H. STONER, & second on 16 September, 1875, Gage County, to Green T. SIMPSON, son of Peter & Elizabeth (PHIBBS) SIMPSON. At the end of the letter, Emily signed as “your affectionate Cousin, Emily J. SIMPSON.” The significance of this closing is discussed below.

Carl’s great grandfather, William Hawkins SIMPSON, was a son of Nathaniel & Mary (AYDELOTT) SIMPSON who were residents of Pendleton Co., Kentucky. William H. moved to the panhandle of Texas with his family and later moved on to Clovis, New Mexico. Apparently he had just moved to Clovis when Emily wrote this letter.

The text of pages 3 & 4 are given here, with the original spelling, original capitalization and lack of punctuation as in the original. Words & punctuation in [brackets] are my additions. Page 3 begins in mid sentence as follows.

[Page] 3
yesterday[.] I like to be at home when bed time comes in the Winter season unless I am at Warren’s[.] We had a hard snow Storm some weeks ago & quite a Storm of Wind & snow Saturday knight sonday & sondy knight[.] Fine weather Tuesday & Wednesday & Thursday[.] Warrens Edest Grand Daughter was married one week ago today To a Mr FULTON of Juniaatta Nebraska[, which is] over an hundred miles Northwest of Crab Orchard[.] she’s About 20 or 21 years of Age[;] I don’t remember which[.] she & her Sister next to her ware very Pretty girls[,] the Prettiest in Crab orchard[.] the next after them was A son & next to him an other Daughter & last A son & last forth of July an other son[;] they call him Pollen Eddason. 2 sons to Bear the DILWORTH Name[.] i have only one son & 2 Grand Son left to bear the STONER Name[.] you have A Number of Sons to Bear the SIMPSON Name[.] I think I should like to see your & converse with you for hours at A time[.] this is A Cloudy Day[,] has the appearance of wet weather[.] I wish you would write A letter to our Cousin John. V SIMPSON he wants you to write to him & he is so old & Poorly can hardly [g]et out Any[.] I will Give you his Address

[Page] 4
Demossville R F D No 2
he Does like So well to get letters from his Relatives[.] now Aunt Lizabeth has Died & uncle William WORK moved away & so many Died & others gone away he misses them so and uncle Wm WORK is Blind[.] will you Please write to me as obten[often] as you can conveniently[.] I wish [I] could write you a good letter[,] one that would do you good to read[.] is the Water Good & Soft whare you are[,] & how fare Down Do you have to go to get it[.] is the Water as good as that at your home in Texas[.] have you all of your Children with you that are Single[.] Do you think you will like that Place whare you are[?] Do you like to live in Town[?] I hope I shall be Able to write a better letter the next time your affectionate Cousin.
Emily. J. SIMPSON.
O may we meet in Heaven at last whare Sickness Sorrow Pain or Death shall not Enter
Good bye for this time[.]

The fact that Emily signed the letter as “your affectionate cousin” is not definitive since she was a cousin to Wm. H. SIMPSON thru both her mother and her father. However, the mention of “our cousin, John V. SIMPSON”, aunt “Lizabeth” and uncle William WORK are very valuable proofs of relationships within the SIMPSONs of Grant & Pendleton Counties, Kentucky.

John Vicars SIMPSON was a son of Ezekiel & Tamsey (VICKERS) SIMPSON of Pendleton County, and lived west of Demossville, Kentucky, between that and the villages of Knoxville and Gardnersville. Ezekiel was a son of Nathaniel (Jr.) & Mary (DEWEESE) SIMPSON. I had in the 1980's concluded that Emily’s mother, Sarah, was probably a daughter of Nathaniel & Mary, but had not yet found proof. In the E. E. Barton Collection in Pendleton County is a paper written in 1944 by Harvey E. Simpson in which he stated his father was John Vicars SIMPSON and that John V. was a son of Nathaniel & Mary (DEWEESE) SIMPSON. In the same Barton Collection is proof that Wm. H. SIMPSON was a son of Nathaniel (Jr., Jr.) & Mary (AYDELOTT) SIMPSON and that Nathaniel Jr, Jr.,. was a son of Nathaniel, Jr. and his second wife, Jane. Thus Nathaniel, Jr., Jr., and Ezekiel were half-brothers, and Wm. H. and John V. were half first cousins.

The mention by Emily of “uncle William WORK” is interesting. William had been born ca. 1819 in Guilford Co., North Carolina, the son of Henry & Margaret WORK who also came to Pendleton Co., Kentucky. William was married in 1841 in Grant Co., Kentucky,  to Ann, daughter of Nathaniel Jr. & Jane SIMPSON. William died in Pendleton Co., Kentucky, in 1910, and is buried in Mt. Carmel Church Cemetery, Pendleton, County.

What is surprising is the extent of Emily’s knowledge of the relatives still living in Kentucky. She and her parents must have continued to correspond with those relatives throughout their lives. Emily had been only about 6 or 7 years old when her parents left Kentucky to move to Illinois, then after a few years, on to Nebraska. From census records it appears that Emily lived most of her life in eastern Gage County, Nebraska,  near the Johnson County line.

Emily’s brother, Warren DILWORTH, was married in 1862 in Pike Co., Illinois, to Tabitha WALKER, and they had only one child, James M. DILWORTH. Warren & Tabitha lived most of their lives in the Village of Crab Orchard which is located in western Johnson County near the Gage County line. Their son, James, was married in Johnson County, in 1886, to Emma V. BEATTY, James & Emma had (census 1900, 1900 & 1920) Ruby E., born 1888; Pearl L., born 1890; Wendel F., born 1893; Vira L., born 1897; and Poland E., born 1908. Johnson County marriage records show that Ruby Elfa DILWORTH, daughter of James Milton & Emma Violet (BEATTY) DILWORTH, was married 10 February, 1909, to Ralph Edgar FULTON of Juniata, Nebraska, son of David Edgar & Maggie Louella (SHIPPEN) FULTON. Thus the letter from Emma J. DILWORTH to Wm. H. SIMPSON must have been written in February, 1909.

I am still unable to identify with certainty the “Aunt Lizabeth” mentioned by Emily. Emily’s mother did have a sister, Elizabeth, but she died in 1847 and by 1909 this would not have been “news” to any of the relatives. The “Aunt Lizabeth” may have been Elizabeth (ATKINS) SIMPSON, wife of Richard. They lived in the northwest part of Pendleton County, southeast of Gardnersville. I have seen no cemetery or death records for either Richard or Elizabeth.

Concerning the relationship between Emily and William H. SIMPSON, it is a complex picture. Emily’s two grandmothers, Mary (DEWEESE) SIMPSON and Sarah (DEWEESE) DILWORTH, were sisters and their sister, Susannah (DEWEESE) AYDELOTT, was the maternal grandmother of William H. SIMPSON. Thus Wm. H. & Emily were double second cousins. Also, Emily’s mother, Sarah (SIMPSON) DILWORTH, was half sister to William H. SIMPSON’s father, Nathaniel SIMPSON, Jr., Jr. Thus Emily and Wm. H. were also half first cousins.

William T. Simpson, son of “Nat,” of Rockingham Co., N.C.
by Don Simpson

A. In Pulaski Co., Kentucky.
An unusual record in Pulaski County, Kentucky, leads to solving a problem about the fate of one of our “Haw River Simpsons.” That record was for the marriage of Albert Lomax SIMPSON to Nancy STOGSDILL and was dated 3 June, 1886. The marriage record (Pulaski Co. Mg. Book 18, pp. 308 a & b) stated that this was the first marriage for both parties, that the bride was age 51 & born in Pulaski County, father born Pulaski County, mother born Virginia, and that the groom was age 53 & born Rockingham Co., North Carolina, father and mother both born Rockingham County. Under remarks was stated “parties had been living together 32 years, had several children.” The marriage was performed by the Rev. James W. LEDBETTER, at the home of John ROBERTS in Pulaski County. No earlier marriage record is known for this couple but it is possible there could have been an earlier civil marriage which did not get recorded. On the marriage record the clerk wrote the groom’s name as “Albert Lamex SIMPSON” but it is clear from other records and evidences that his name was Albert Lomax SIMPSON and that this is relevant to his origin in Rockingham Co., North Carolina. 

Albert L. SIMPSON first appeared on the Pulaski County tax list for 1854 but was not listed prior to that. He was taxed for land located on Line Creek. Beginning in 1856, a William T. SIMPSON was listed on the Pulaski County tax lists and also as owning land on Line Creek. The listing of Wm. T. SIMPSON continued through 1860 (the 1861 list is faded beyond legibility) but in 1862 his name is replaced by Tempy SIMPSON. Tempy was listed again in 1863 but not thereafter, though Albert L. continued on the lists long thereafter.

The 1860 census of Pulaski County lists William SIMPSON, age 65, miller, born N.C. and Temperance, age 65, also born N.C. Near them is the family of Albert L. & Nancy (STOGSDILL) SIMPSON, ages 28, born N.C., and 23, born Kentucky, and four children.

On Tuesday, May 6, 1862, the Pulaski County Court appointed Albert SIMPSON as Administrator of the Estate of William SIMPSON, deceased. In July of that year Albert submitted to the county court an inventory and sale bill for the estate (Pulaski Co. Will Book 6, pp. 107-108). Among the purchasers the only SIMPSONs were Albert and the widow, Tempy. No other record for this estate is known to me and that does not name any heirs.

B. In Hawkins Co., Tennessee.
On the 1850 census of Hawkins Co., Tennessee, in District 11, (at household 112) was listed William SIMPSON, age 54, born Tennessee, Temperance, age 53, born Tennessee, Elizabeth, age 19, born Tennessee, & Albert, age 17, born North Carolina. The listing of Tennessee as their birthplace is obviously an error by the census taker. Several of their neighbors in District 11 in 1850 were also from Rockingham and Guilford Counties, North Carolina and are discussed below.

C. In Rockingham Co., North Carolina

In Rockingham Co., North Carolina most records of this William SIMPSON lack the middle initial “T”, but a trust deed dated 1837 does give his name as William T. SIMPSON, and a deed of sale dated 1839 to James T. SIMPSON lists the grantor as “William F. SIMPSON”, apparently an error intended to be William T. In 1840, William SIMPSON was listed in Rockingham Co., North Carolina, p. 163, among neighbors whose farms were on the upper part of Troublesome Creek. In 1830 William was listed on p.332 near Shadrack LOMAX, Moses LOMAX, Samuel MAXWELL & Robert BROWN.

This William SIMPSON should not to be confused with the William SIMPSON, Sr., or his son, William, Jr., who lived near the head of Jacobs Creek (see 1830 census, p. 330; 1840, p. 126). That William SIMPSON, Sr., of Jacobs Creek was married to Isabelle, daughter of John CUMMINGS. He was, I believe, a son of Richard & Selah SIMPSON of Mears Fork, Guilford County, North Carolina.

The William SIMPSON whose wife was Temperence, appears to have been a son of Nathaniel SIMPSON of Rockingham County, and grandson of Thomas SIMPSON of Rockingham County. In the Minutes of the Rockingham County Court for May term, 1835, is a road order in which Albert LOMAX was appointed road overseer for the road from New Bethel Crossroads to the [Guilford] county line at OGBURNs, with various hands including “William SIMPSON son of Nat”, James SIMPSON, James LEDBETTER, Moses LOMAX & others. I mentioned this record in Research Note 8 [see Simpson Clan, vol.2, issue 3, Dec., 1986].

Recently I have found another record mentioning William as a son of Nathaniel. In Rockingham County, Record of Settlements, Book for 1829 - 1843, Part 2, Settlements with Admrs.(part 2 is separately paginated), p. 6, is a settlement of the Estate of Jemima BRASHIER, deceased, dated 19 February, 1830, William WILLIAMS, Executor. Among a list of small debts owed by the Estate is one for forty cents owed to “William SIMPSON (son of Nat)” [the parenthesis are in the original]. Thus at least two records in Rockingham Co. attest to William’s father being Nathaniel.

Jean Simpson of  N. C., is a granddaughter of James T. SIMPSON of Rockingham County. Some years ago she wrote me that there is a tradition in her family that James T. was the son of a William SIMPSON who went to Kentucky (see Simpson Clan, vol. 2, issue 2, p. 3). Rockingham County records show close association between James T. and William SIMPSON. James’ age suggests he may have been the oldest son of William.

It is not yet possible to assemble a list of the children of William & Temperance SIMPSON, nor is it certain that Temperance was the only wife of William T. SIMPSON. It is likely the two children listed on the 1850 census of Hawkins Co., namely Elizabeth and Albert L. SIMPSON were their children. It is also likely that James T. SIMPSON was a son of William T. SIMPSON, but whether Temperance was his mother is uncertain. There are certain other SIMPSONs named in Rockingham County records who were probably children of William T. & Temperance but listing them would only be speculation at this time.

D. The Rockingham Co. neighbors of William T. & Temperance.

One of the adjoining landowners on upper Troublesome Creek was Moses LOMAX who died in 1842 leaving a will that named his wife, Susan, and children, Shadrack, Albert, Eliza & Susan. He named his son, Albert LOMAX, as executor, and the will was witnessed by Elijah WITTY, Jr., and William SIMPSON. Albert LOMAX was a member to the Rockingham County Court for many years and was frequently called on by his neighbors to help them with their legal documents such as deeds and wills. Moses LOMAX was one of the two witnesses to the will of Jemima BRASHIER whose estate is mentioned above. Jemima was probably the widow of Asa BRASHEAR, one of the earliest settlers in the area of upper Jacobs Creek and upper Troublesome Creek.

E.. The Hawkins Co., Tennessee, neighbors from North Carolina
The household of William T. & Temperance SIMPSON was listed on the 1850 census as no.112 in District 11. Household 113 was Milton GLADSON, age 26, born North Carolina, Katherin, age 21, born Tennessee. & Madison, age 1, born Tennessee and next to them in household 114 was Leven GLADSON, age 60, born North Carolina, Katherin, age 59, born North Carolina and several children all born North Carolina Leven GLADSON was on the censuses of 1820, 1830 & 1840 in Guilford Co., North Carolina.

Also on that census in District 11 were Joshua & Lucy GLADSON (hhld 53), ages 58 & 54, both born North Carolina and several children all born North Carolina Joshua GLADSON was married to Lucy PERKENSON in Guilford County, bond of 13 January, 1819. Near them (hhld 56) was Margaret KILLINGSWORTH, age 50, born North Carolina, and several children. William R. KILLINGSWORTH was married in Guilford County to Margaret CHILCUTT, bond of 27 February, 1821. William died in Guilford County in 1843, after which Margaret moved with her children to Tennessee. At household 57 was P. W. & Elizabeth GORRELL, ages 30 & 28, both born North Carolina, with three young children. Pinkney W. GORRELL was married in Guilford County to Elizabeth PERKENSON, bond of 8 December, 1842.

Some of the children of William R. & Margaret (CHILCUTT) KILLINGSWORTH were living in Perry Co., Illinois, by the 1860 census and some of those later removed to Worth Co., Missouri.

Although the GLADSON families were from the northern part of Guilford County, I have not seen any indication that they were in any way associated with or related to either the KILLINGSWORTH, CHILCUTT, or SIMPSON families of that area. After arriving in Tennessee there was at least one marriage between a GLADSON and a KILLINGSWORTH, but I know of no earlier inter-tie. It seems strange that they should be in adjoining households in Tennessee, suggestive of possible earlier acquaintance in North Carolina. The records of Guilford and Rockingham Counties are very good and though some have been lost, those that have survived to the present are fairly well preserved. Despite that, they still leave us with large gaps in our knowledge of these people in the first century after settlement.


William SIMPSON born ca 1810 in Tennessee married (?) Martha E. JOHNSTON, daughter of William JOHNSTON and Margaret COLLIER both of whom were born in North Carolina. The COLLIERs and JOHNSTONs and I believe the SIMPSONs were from Lancaster County, later Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania and I believe traveled together in the late 1700s. There are deed transactions mentioning all three names during this time period in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania. The JOHNSTONs are buried in Kings Creek ARP Church Cemetery, Newberry Co., South Carolina. Am seeking the parents of William SIMPSON and the marriage date of William and Martha JOHNSTON SIMPSON.

Respond to Marilyn Finer-Collins, 10039 Kemp Forest Drive, Houston, TX 77080. E-mail marilync@hal-pc-org.

Ed. Note: Jim Martin’s article will continue in the next issue. 

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